Part 12: The Abyss

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"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Kobeni screamed and rushed down Denji, holding the knife low to ram it into his gut. Aki stepped in the way, kicking the knife out of Kobeni's hand as she was elbowed hard in the gut by Himeno. Kobeni was knocked out by the strike, falling to the ground as snot, tears, and vomit poured out of her face. The wall of flesh cackled in a dozen horrid voices at the sight in front of it. 

"Man, this thing's annoying... Aki, can you use the Fox on it?" Himeno asked.

"Kon." Aki made a hand symbol that resembled a fox's head, peering through a hole in his symbol and looking at the wall of flesh. Nothing happened. "Doesn't look like the fox can get here, its body is in Kyoto." Aki explained.

"Alright. Guess it's Ghost's turn." Himeno held out her right hand and swiped it repeatedly, the Ghost Devil's hand rending chunks out of the flesh wall. It didn't do much besides hurt it, earning pained wails as the flesh writhed in pain. "Hey, this might be-uh oh!" Himeno was cut off as the flesh roared, growing larger and advancing toward them. "It's getting bigger!" Himeno laughed nervously as they backpedaled away from the flesh.

"It is useless... This is not my real body..." The flesh moaned. "My heart does not exist on the 8th floor. This is my stomach. Unless you fulfill my contract... You will not leave here alive!" The flesh exclaimed, speeding its crawl towards them.

"Like hell you'd let them out after eating me!" Denji yelled at the flesh.

"No, it's serious." Himeno said.


"Contracts with Devils are powerful. If one end doesn't hold up the contract, there are grave consequences." Himeno explained. 

"Himeno... We have to kill them...!" Arai stumbled out of his room, trembling and wrapped in a blanket. "If we can get outside, we can figure out a way to deal with it later. But at this rate, we'll all starve to death!" Arai yelled. 

"The devil wants them both dead, which means that their deaths would benefit somehow. We can't make that contract.

"I'm with Aki!" Himeno raised a hand.

"That's..." Arai gritted his teeth.

"Devil!" Power pointed at the wall of flesh. "Would you spare my top henchman if I fed Denji to you!?" She asked.

"I will feast on them both, or no one leaves this place!" The flesh groaned.

"Shoot. Then I cannot accept this contract." Power turned back to the group.

"Power..." (Y/N) muttered, a hand over his heart.

"What about me!?" Denji yelled.

"There is no satisfaction in a noble prize if I do not have my henchman to praise me for it!" Power declared.

"We devil hunters only kill devils." Aki declared. "Even if you wanted to call a vote, it'd be three to two."

"So what do we do then!?" Arai yelled.

"We wait." Aki said and sat down.




"I am bored. Wrestle me, top henchman!" Power yelled and ran towards (Y/N). (Y/N) smiled and took a wrestling stance.


A few minutes had passed. The squad was laid out on the floor, resting as the flesh writhed in the back.

"So, Aki... Do you actually have a plan?" Himeno asked Aki, who sighed.

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