Part 6: Don't Meet Your Idols

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(Y/N) walked with a bounce in his step, humming his favorite toon as him and Denji followed Hayakawa down the street.

"The hell do you keep staring at me for...?" Aki turned his head and gave (Y/N) a dirty glare.

"...No reason in particular." (Y/N) averted his gaze, remembering a certain snowball fight. 

"...Tch." Aki turned back around and continued walking.


"Hey, so does Makima have a boyfriend?" Denji asked.

"Let's go here for a minute." Aki said, steering them towards an alleyway.

"Hm." (Y/N) felt like he forgot something. He'd been reading chainsaw man over the course of a week, so he was having trouble remembering what happened in the early chapters. "Wait, isn't this where-"

(Y/N)'s thoughts were cut off as he felt a powerful hand grip the hair on the back of his head.

"Hey! wha-"


(Y/N) was again not allowed to finish as his head was bashed against the wall of the alleyway, (Y/N) was slammed a second time, before being thrown onto a pile of trash bags.

"Wha!? (Y/N)!!!" Denji rushed to help his pal, only socked in the face. Denji stumbled, before being grabbed by Aki and kneed in the diaphragm, landing next to (Y/N) on the trash. The two let out a collective groan of pain as Aki pulled out a cigarette and lighter, lighting the former.

"You should quit where you are. If I see either of you two tomorrow I won't be so merciful" Aki said, taking a puff of his cigarette.

"You call this shit mercy?" (Y/N) hissed furiously, his forehead pissing blood. "Fuck, I forgot this guy was an absolute tool at the start of the story!" He cursed himself for having shitty memory.

"Didn't like the way you were lookin' at me." Aki said nonchalantly. 

"Well you're gonna hate THIS!!!" (Y/N) lept up from the trash and rushed down the devil hunter, Aki shook his head and threw a punch. (Y/N) ducked and shot low, aiming to tackle Aki to the ground. (Fun fact: (Y/N) wrestles in highschool). 

"Tch." Aki kneed (Y/N) in the face, grabbing the back of his head and kneeing him three more times. After which, he simply let (Y/N)'s head go, leading the near-comatose hybrid to faceplant into the concrete. 

"People who don't take this job seriously all die. Everyone I knew who was doing this job for the paycheck bit the dust." Aki said. "Only ones I've seen make it had some real conviction." Aki took the cigarette out of his mouth to point it at Denji. "And you... You're just in it for Makima, aren't you?" Aki asked the blonde.

"Bingo." Denji said, still plastered to the trash. 

"Then you deserved every bit of the beating you got." Aki flicked the cigarette onto Denji's chest, hocking a loogie and spitting onto its glowing tip to put it out. With that, he turned to leave the two, walking away slowly.

"What... About me..." (Y/N) choked, raising his head from the puddle he spent the past 30 seconds bleeding into. 

Aki stopped walking, and (Y/N) saw him clench his fist.

"That gaze. That glassy eyed fucking gaze of admiration. So fucking aloof, like you're in lala land." Aki whispered bitterly. "Just like..." Aki didn't finish his sentence.

"He's thinking about his brother..." (Y/N) felt a pang of sympathy for the devil hunter, before it was replaced with a pang of pain from his forehead. 

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