250k Qna Answers

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Answer time.

Just a disclaimer, a lot of you posted questions concerning stuff that'll be touched upon in the next few parts.

Like a lot.

So expect an infuriating amount of smiley faces.

Like seriously you're gonna be pissed.

Also, some of y'all really need to read better :(.


noamhamlech asks me: I have a question for you, author... Why must you hurt us like that?



BlueJayToday asks: Denji, would you accept (Y/N) as a boyfriend if he confessed?


Kinda a bad time to ask him that. Considering, y'know, (Y/N) being murdered in front of him and all...


Lordoftheskeletons asks me: Are you really ging to leave such big loose end ie the deal not being complete?



ATH6000 asks: To the whole cast, *plays kickback* pretty good, right?

Makima: It's quite a catchy tune.

Denji is lifeless on the couch.

(Y/N)'s severed head is laying in the corner.

Aki, Power, Reze, Quanxi and the fiend are in the back, looking absolutely broken.


Kingjax2006 asks: To the entity, why did you not help (Y/N) they were so close to killing Makima.



Exho_695 asks: Author, why you gotta do (Y/N) like that?



dominicituah asks me: Author, will (Y/N) make it to part 2 or will he get the Aki and Power treatment and be forgotten and broken?



weezeefreak682 asks: (Y/N), so... us... how are you uh.... doin' there bud?

(Y/N)'s lifeless head is still laying in a pool of his own blood, completely still.


Zombi3hunt3r18 asks: Aki, Himeno, have you both gotten together yet?

Aki is sitting in the corner, watching over Power's sleeping form. They had to knock her out to stop a potential rampage when she got the news.

Himeno is at home, passed out on the ground with a half-empty bottle of sake to her side. She didn't take receiving Aki's will very well.


Kingjax2006 asks: Aki, how are you coping with the fact that (Y/N) is dead?

Aki looks up at the camera, then down at the floor.

"Leave me alone."


Kingjax2006 asks: Makima, what are your true feelings concerning (Y/N) and the entity inside of him?



Flash-fire asks: Entity, the deal was to kill the Control Devil. So why are you not fulfilling the end of the deal?

Hell's Villain (Chainsaw Man x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now