Part 18: Interesting

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"So, you asked the Himeno girl out?" The male Kyoto hunter asked with a smirk.

"Wha-that's not..." Aki stuttered, and the man chuckled.

"I dunno man, the way you phrased it sounded pretty-" The man stopped at one of the heavy metal doors in the long hallway. "We're here." His joking demeanor was dropped immediately as he stopped in front of the door. "We'll be having you make a contract with this one here."

"What is it?" Aki said, staring at the door.

"The Future Devil." The man said. "I only know two people who contracted with it successfully: one that traded half their lifespan, and one that traded both eyes, their sense of taste, and their sense of smell." He said. Aki tensed the slightest bit as the sound of heavy hydraulics filled the hall, the metal door being slowly opened. "But hey! If it likes you, you might get off cheaper." He shrugged.

Aki didn't answer as he walked into the cell, stepping into the unknown. The room looked empty, filled with nothing but shadows, excluding a small vent in the ceiling that let a ray of sunshine into the cell, a long beam illuminating the center of the room. Aki went to take another step, only to freeze as he noticed it.

A giant eyeball in the darkness.

The eyeball stared at him, searing a hole in him with its dead gaze.

"The future... rules!"

Aki tensed as it spoke.

"The future... rules!"

He tensed as he caught a glimpse of its silhouette.

"The future..."


Aki flinched as the Future Devil materialized from the darkness, swinging its arms in an odd dance. It resembled a ghostly tree, its woody flesh covered in an almost fuzzy, mossy substance. Its chest cavity was wide open, a gaping black hole with that single giant eye being the only thing visible. Six horizontal slits sat on its head, overshadowed by two branches resembling antlers.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" The Future Devil danced some more, and Aki simply stared at it. "Say it with me now!" It shouted enthusiastically.

"I've come to make a contract." Aki said bluntly, not caring about the devil's antics. "Tell me your terms." He said.


"Well, you're no fun..." The Future Devil grumbled, arms falling to its sides. "Very well. Show me your future! I will decide our terms based on that." The Future Devil said, spreading its arms and opening its chest cavity. Aki stared at the eye as it was revealed. "Put your head here, and gaze into my eye. I will use this to see your fate." The Future Devil explained.

Aki gulped, and slowly approached the Devil.

"Cmon, I won't bite!" The Future Devil joked, and Aki grunted. Aki sighed, before grabbing the sides of the Future Devil and sticking his head into its chest cavity.










"This is..."

"I never thought that this..."




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