Part 2: Amazing Bod

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(Y/N) awoke in a black void, sitting up and getting to his feet.


A booming voice came from every direction. (Y/N) jolted with fear and looked around himself frantically, but saw nothing.

"Down here." The booming voice was replaced with a very meek one, and (Y/N) looked where the direction came from. He was met with the frog creature next to his foot.

"Oh, hello." (Y/N) kneeled down to be level with the frog devil.

"I have a question for you." The devil asked.

"Mhm?" (Y/N) was ready to answer.

"Why did you make a contract with me?" The devil asked. "You could have walked away. Despite what you said, your injuries were not as grave as mine." The devil said.

"...Well, I need some help to achieve my goal..." (Y/N) muttered.

"That related to my second question. Why do you hunt the control devil?" The frog asked.

"...That..." It was dawning on (Y/N) that he had just given himself a damn near impossible task. They were talking Makima here. The devil with all of Japan under her thumb, nigh immortal and able to subjugate anything once she had the slightest bit of an upper hand. "...Is a damn good question, froggy..." (Y/N) chuckled.

"...You are an odd one." The frog devil said. "I will be truthful to you, I did not have much of a chance of surviving on my own. My name has grown weak over time, and I was on the brink of death when you found me." The devil said. "So I thank you for this contract."

"You're welc-"

"But know this:" (Y/N) froze as the frog devil's voice changed back to the incredibly menacing one. "You will fulfill your side of the contract. We will surpass the Control Devil, or I will devour you whole."

(Y/N) blacked out once again.






"Mah heh..."




"Mah evrhth'n..."


"Wha tha faq du ai sund liek dish?" (Y/N) sat up, feeling incredibly sore and thirsty. His tongue was dry as fuck. He tried to pull the tongue in to let it rehydrate with his saliva.

Key note: tried.

"Wah te fack!?" (Y/N) cried out as he finally realized that his tongue had grown three sizes that day. His face was a mix of surprise and shock as he tried to hold his massive tongue in his hands, not enjoying the taste of sweat and dirt he got from them. It was smooth, sticky and had a bulbas tip two-pronged tip, like that of a frog. Little by little, he slurped the tongue down, feeling it settle somewhere in his throat, which felt fucking bizarre. Like he had a perpetual noodle lodge in his throat. Was that entire dog-sized frog somewhere in his chest? He also noticed that there was still enough tongue left in his mouth to never find a comfortable spot to settle. He growled with anger at that realization. 

"La la la... Testing, testing." (Y/N) tested his speech now that he had a reasonable length of tongue in his mouth, and was satisfied with the result. After which, he finally noticed that he was healed of all of his wounds, he smiled and moved his formerly broken arm.

Hell's Villain (Chainsaw Man x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now