Part 9: Built Different

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(Y/N) still held his fist to the sky as the Bat Devil staggered in sickness and pain-induced daze.

"You... You planned that from the start!?" Power asked, bewildered.

"No, I was actually saving those sodas for late- WHOOP!!!" (Y/N) gripped Power and rolled to the side, barely evading the Bat Devil's fist as it planted it into the concrete.

"BASTARD!!!" The Bat Devil roared and went to follow up, only for Denji to fly in, colliding with the Bat Devil's chest chainsaws-first and sending them both into a building.

"Get Meowy outta here, Power!!!" (Y/N) shot to his feet, tossing Power to the side and rushing to back up Denji.

"Don't die, top henchman!" Power yelled as she booked it away from the battlefield. (Y/N) nodded and jumped to where the battle continued farther down the street.

"You Devil hunter scum seem so keen on saving lives! So would you cut THIS to save yourself!?" The Bat Devil gripped a damaged car and threw it at Denji, the passenger screaming in fear as he and the car flew toward the Chainsaw hybrid.

"Uh oh!" Denji held out his arms, involuntarily retracting the chainsaws as the car slammed into him. To the Bat Devil's shock, Denji was able to hold up the car, though with some difficulty.

"You use that monstrous power to aid humans!?" The Bat Devil yelled. 

"Who the fuck said I'm helping this guy?" Denji cackled and threw the car right back at the bat, letting it slam into the bat's face and sending it flying back. 

The bat threw the car off of itself, reforming its face into a tapered barrel as it sucked in a monumental amount of air.

"The fu-"

"DUCK!!!" (Y/N) tackled Denji out of the way as-


The Bat Devil released a devastating sonic attack from its mouth, demolishing a building hit by it and shattering every glass window on that entire street. (Y/N) and Denji, despite dodging the initial blast, were bombarded by the ear-splitting sound the attack emitted. They roared in pain and covered their ears as debris buried them.

As the Bat Devil finally emptied the content of its lungs, it quickly morphed its face shape back to the ugly muzzle it was, turning to an unconscious man and picking him up. 

"First things first: Recovery." The Bat chuckled. "You reak of tobacco, but I'm too desperate to be picky." The Bat said as it raised the man towards its open jaws.

"Hold it right there!!!" Denji yelled as he and (Y/N) exploded from the rubble. (Y/N) dropkicked the Bat devil, smashing its nose and sending it flying, dropping the man into Denji's arms. Denji tossed the man uncaringly onto the hood of a car and rushed went to rush after them, but crumpled to his knees. His fatigue had caught up to him.

(Y/N) dodged the Bat Devil's giant claws as the devil grew more and more desperate. (Y/N), on the other hand, was calm.

"It's odd..." (Y/N) thought to himself as he ducked another strike, letting it whizz past him and carve gargantuan claw marks into the side of a building. "Back in the real world, I was so shy..." (Y/N) hopped over another strike. "Yet here, I'm confident enough to face things like this with confidence." (Y/N) slammed his foot into the Bat Devil's fist, digging his other foot into the ground and holding back the strike. "Is it because I know what happens? Is it because this deceptively powerful Frog Devil bod of mine makes me so strong?" (Y/N) grunted, foot shaking under the pressure. The Bat Devil snarled and began to morph its face again. "Is it because I still see all of this as just a story?" (Y/N) jumped up, planting a kick into the side of the Bat Devil's face before it could fire its sound cannon. The Bat Devil crumbled, falling onto its back. (Y/N) let out a misty exhale and hopped up onto the Bat Devil's chest. The Bat Devil was frozen as (Y/N) stared it in the eye.

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