450k QnA Answers

686 22 48


Answer time.


Beastkiller22 asks: What would happen if characters like Wolverine from Marvel or Alex Mercer from prototype were in your story?

Man, idunno. I was never really a fan of "X character goes to Y universe" stories. To me they're really bland and uninspired.


gravesitenull asks: Why isn't the sequel gaining as much attention as this? Is the wattpad algorithm stupid? Is there a lore reason for this?

My best theory is that a good portion of my viewer base were (Y/N)ji (that's the official (Y/N) x Denji ship name btw) shippers and dipped the moment confirmed they're platonic. Dunno why anyone ever thought that there was romance, I never once hinted to it.


They add: Favorite Persona game.

Never played a Persona game, or plan to. :/


They conclude: MK1 kombat pack inspired, Omni man vs big froggo Consumption.

Consumption extreme diffs if he nerfs himself for a fight.

If he takes it seriously then it's a negative diff.


Jobro89 asks: Has there been times when you wrote this story and you lost motivation?

Around the time I was writing the Katana arc, I was getting a lot of criticism for (Y/N)'s devil design, which hurt a bit. I also was going through a lot of trouble writing the last chapters, wanting everything to be perfect and live up to what I had roughly planned in my head. But hey, things worked out.


rockhardt asks: Makima, thoughts on Romen Sukuna from JJK?

Makima's dead. And she's been asked that before.


Lukecreate asks: Reze, what is your most fond memories of your childhood?

Reze: I have none.


Kitsro asks: Hey cast, do you think God or Jesus is real? Like, do you think that there's some higher being up there just watching?

(Y/N): Maybe? This whole experience makes me doubt it, though.

Legs: What thoughts are his are thoughts of mine.

Denji: Never bothered thinking about it. Seems like a shit god if they let all this bad crap happen to me.


Aki: I guess.

Reze: No.

Asa: I... I hope there is...

Yoru: Nope.


CalicoCitrus asks: (Y/N), would you blink in morse code or tap in morse code?

(Y/N): Yeah, sure, I guess...   .- ..- - .... --- .-.       .. ...

-.. --- -. ' -      -.-- --- ..-       -.. .- .-. .       ..-. .. -. .. ... ....        - .... .- -        ... . -. - .- -. -.-. .


Kingjax2006 asks: How would the characters of Red vs Blue react to the characters in the book?

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