Part 45: Future

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"Here's your pussycat."

Kishibe said dryly, pushing Meowy'd crate across the cafe table.

They had returned from their trip, and Aki had just met with Kishibe at a cafe to exchange the pets they lent him.

"And the Jojo reference." Kishibe said, handing Aki the tank containing Polnareff.

"Thank you." Aki said, placing them both by his side.

"So, how was the grave visit?" Kishibe asked.

"More exhausting than fighting devils..." Aki grunted.

"Not surprised. Denji and Power are a handful. Don't know how you were even able to take 'em along in the first place." Kishibe commented.

"They're shaping up a bit. Denji does what I say now, and Power stopped throwing veggies. Plus, they seem to direct most of their antics towards (Y/N) most of the time." Aki explained.




"Captain Kishibe..." Aki said, his tone much lower.




"The upcoming expedition to eliminate the Gun Devil... Can Division 4 withdraw from it?"




"Now I'm surprised." Kishibe said, leaning forward. "I thought you'd be the most eager for this op out of the whole of Public Safety." Kishibe muttered. "Division 4 won't be fighting alone, y'know. Public Safety's best teams'll be coming together for this one. We should be able to fight on equal footing with even The Gun." Kishibe said.

"I'm aware of that, sir." Aki said.




"The location of The Gun is classified information. You pull out of this, and you close yourself off from getting access to it. Even if we take it out, it'll be kept under a tight lid. It'll be years before you'll know whether the devil that killed your family is dead." Kishibe said. "Knowing this, you still wanna back out?" Kishibe asked for the first and final time.

Aki looked down at the table, thinking.

"I'm willing to accept that." Aki said, returning his gaze to Kishibe.


Kishibe took a sip of his iced tea (poured over the table and refilled with whiskey).

"I'll inform the higher-ups of Division 4's intention to stay out of it. It's an experimental unit, anyway. More of a joke. I doubt they expected much anyway." Kishibe sighed. "In exchange, you'll get our bill."

"I always get our bill." Aki said.


"Aki, why the change of heart anyway?" Kishibe asked.





Aki and Himeno stood side by side, watching as the train that had dropped them off led to the station.

"So... I guess this is where we part ways. For the time being, anyway." Himeno said with a small smile.

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