Post-Post-Credits: Visit

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Aki Hayakawa sighed, finishing the last of his morning coffee as he stood on his balcony. He gazed out into the city, grunting with annoyance as he heard another muffled shout from the idiots next door (Denji, (Y/N), Power, Reze, and Nayuta). He turned back to see Angel laying on his futon, awake, yet unmoving. Only vacantly staring at the ceiling.

"I know you're not prone to being active, but..." Aki spoke. "You doing okay?" Aki asked.


"Not particularly, no." Angel muttered.

"Any particular reason?" Aki asked.

"...When I was under Makima's control..." Angel said. "She made me use almost six thousand years' worth of human lifespans." Angel said. "Whenever I make a lifespan weapon, be it a hundred-year sword or a thirty-second toothpick... The people whose lifespans I use always turn up in my dreams." Angel muttered. "They always blame me, and chew me out for wasting their lives on something so selfish." Angel said.


"I'm sorry." Aki said.


"That's the damndest thing..." Angel chuckled. "Despite all that Makima made me do..."

"Nobody turned up in my dreams..."




"It's like... They're not blaming me this time." Angel said. "And for some reason, that makes me feel even worse..." Angel sighed.


Aki wordlessly walked into the apartment, placing his cup onto a coffee table and walking up to Angel's futon. He sat down beside Angel, who sat up in response.

"What're you-"

Angel froze as Aki leaned in close, pulling his smaller figure into his arms. Angel's eyes widened as his entire body tensed.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Angel yelled. "If you touch me, you'll-"

"I'm an immortal half-devil, remember?" Aki asked. "Touching you doesn't really do much to me anymore." Aki said.

"B-But if you-"

"Angel." Aki cut the devil off.

"I will never regret holding you."

Angel stilled.

"If you ever need me, I'll be there for you." Aki said.




"Alright..." Angel muttered.




"Okay, you could let go now." Angel huffed, and Aki peeled his arms from Angel's back. Aki got up, stretching as he went to the door, grabbing a coat off of the coathanger.

"I'm gonna visit the idiots next door. Afterwards, I'm gonna pay Himeno a visit. Gonna have to do a lot of explaining..." Aki muttered. "So I'm not gonna be home for a while. There's some ramen in the pantry and some ice cream in the freezer." Aki said, opening the door and leaving.




"Idiot..." Angel huffed.


Aki sighed, gazing at the red stains that were now deeply engrained into his right sleeve. Power had splashed him with blood in the midst of what he assumed was some sort of made-up dance made in an effort of impressing (Y/N) and Makima's reincarnation. Which ended in (Y/N)'s throat being slit on accident and half the apartment being showered with blood. He now stood at the door to Himeno's apartment, trying to build up the courage to knock.

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