Part 32: Explosive Finish

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Aki stared wide-eyed at Legs as the disembodied limbs slowly but surely pulled him back towards the pole, allowing him to get a firm grasp on it once again. 

"Where the hell did you come from!?" Aki yelled over the screaming winds.


"Fair point..." Aki said, realizing how stupid it was talking to a pair of legs. The legs pulled in Himeno, then Angel, allowing the three to settle behind the pole and secure a decent grasp.

"Thanks, uh... leg thing!" Himeno smiled up at the pair of legs. Legs did the equivalent of a bow, before boosting off of the pole, earning a collective cry of shock from the three. Legs was immediately sucked away, carried by the ripping winds.

"LEGS!!!" Aki yelled.

Legs flew high up towards the Typhoon Devil's spinning form, in mere seconds, he'd be torn asunder by the debris and tentacles.


Legs began to spin rapidly, the speed at which he spun ripping through the air with enough force to drown out the gale surrounding him. He spun faster, faster, and faster still as he was sucked closer and closer to the Typhoon Devil, before finally-


Legs used the force built up in his light-speed spinning to kick the Typhoon Devil with unimaginable power, blasting straight through a massive portion of the Typhoon Devil's exposed brains.

"DAYUM!!!" (Y/N) exclaimed, wondering what the hell Legs had been doing to pull something like that. The Typhoon Devil let out a roar of pain and anger as Legs turned his attention to Reze.

"What the fu-" Was all Reze could get out before-


Legs slammed a devastating kick straight into her head, sending her careening straight through a building.

"DAMN!!!" Denji mirrored (Y/N)'s reaction, seeing Reze's body punch straight through solid concrete with the force from Legs' attack. Legs, his legs broken by the impact with solid bone and metal, flew into the storm, flapping to and fro like a plastic bag. "We gotta use the opening he made! Cmon Beam, HYAH!!!" Denji yanked his chains, whipping Beam like a horse as the Shark sped up, beelining straight for the reeling Typhoon Devil. (Y/N) followed, boosting off of multiple buildings and building up speed. Denji let out a warcry, digging his saw into the Typhoon Devil's tentacle and tearing his way down it.

"GYAAAAAAAAA!!!" The Typhoon Devil let out a thunderous cry of anguish as it was eviscerated. 

"NICE AND EASY!!! ALL'S I GOTTA DO IS SPIN THESE CHAINSAWS LIKE AN IDIOT!!!" Denji cackled as he carved open Typhoon, splitting its head straight in two as he and Beam flew by. (Y/N) followed right behind, blasting straight through the remnants of the Devil's head and ensuring its death. The Typhoon Devil stopped spinning, its corpse flying into and burying itself into a building as the winds it had kicked up finally settled. 

"Where's Reze!?" Denji yelled, looking around the battlefield.


"Oh-SHIT!!!" (Y/N) whipped around as Reze blasted out of a mountain of debris, ramming into him and sending them both shooting high up into the sky. They shot straight past the buildings, blowing through the clouds before Reze finally turned, pointing straight to the ground.

"SAY GOODBYE!!!" Reze screamed, morphing all four of her limbs into missiles and ramming into (Y/N), breaking the sound barrier as she rocketed to the ground.

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