Part 17: 'Training'

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Kishibe slowly pulled into the parking lot of Aki's apartment, parking in an illegal spot before getting out of the car. He went behind the car, opening its trunk and revealing a beaten (Y/N). His eyes were hazy, and his clothes were covered with clumps of dried blood. 

"Have you learned anything from our training?" Kishibe asked (Y/N).

"First rule... of Kishibe's training..." (Y/N)'s voice was a hoarse whisper. "Do not talk... about Kishibe's training..."

"Good, that was a trick question." Kishibe said, pulling (Y/N)'s limp body out of the car and dropping him on the ground like a sack of potatoes. "Now, you have two options: you sit here and wait while I hunt your pals, or you can try to help them and risk even harder training if they lose." Kishibe gave him an ultimatum. (Y/N) made an unintelligible choking noise that resembled a dying goose in response. Kishibe nodded and turned, leaving (Y/N)'s corpse on the pavement as he climbed the apartment stairs. He reached the top, walking to the apartment holding his prey.

"Better not be slacking off during my training... Else frog boy's gonna get it." Kishibe muttered as he walked closer to the apartment with no sign of any response.

Inside the apartment, however...

"The smell of blood and booze... the drunkard has arrived!"

"Those who threaten our home life... will die!" 

"The super-smart ultra-intelligent master plan commences!!!" Denji and Power said in unison, dressed in glasses and striking stupid poses.

Kishibe arrived at the apartment, sighing as he reached for the doorknob.


"Oop-" Kishibe ducked backward as a spear made of blood flew through the door, barely passing by his head. "An ambush using a spear made of blood... And aiming for my head...?" Kishibe muttered. "Trying to make me the hunted, eh?" He asked rhetorically. Inside the apartment, Power trusted her hand downwards, triggering bottles of blood hidden on the floor above them.

"Hm?" Kishibe dodged a harpoon of blood as it burst through the ceiling above him, punching it clean in half. A dozen harpoons burst from the ceiling, all being punched to pieces by Kishibe. Unbeknownst to Kishibe, Denji hopped down, landing on the guardrail of the apartment and gripping his axe. He swung, only to have his chin smashed as Kishibe roundhouse him, not even turning to flood at Denji. Denji fell forward and crumpled to the floor as Kishibe sighed, unphased by the attack.

"That wasn't half-bad." Kishibe muttered. "Prey sure can use their heads when cornered. You should try doing that some more." He said. There are two reasons you failed this time: One, Power used way too much blood for the initial attack, and was left anemic." Kishibe said as the weak groan of Power could be heard inside the apartment. "And two, you couldn't predict my counterattack." He said to Denji. "Training's over for today, gonna get myself a drink." Kishibe muttered, turning to leave.

"Sweet..." Denji groaned weakly. "Hey Power, he says we're done for today...!" He broadcasted his voice.

"" Power smiled, still unable to move a muscle.


Denji was caught off guard as a knife flew into his head.

"Prey should never trust a hunter." Kishibe turned and went to-


Kishibe caught an axe that had been thrown by (Y/N) with one hand, who appeared at the top of the stairs, panting like a feral beast.

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