Part 37: Chat

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Outside of the mall, hundreds of bodies lay on the ground, torn open and apart by Quanxi and (Y/N)'s exchange. The four fiends stepped over the corpses, following Quanxi's warpath.

"Halloween!" The fiend with the brains said, stepping on a doll's neck and severing its head.

"Stop right there, missy! No straying from the group!" The hair fiend yelled. "We need to catch up with lady... Quanxi..." The fiend paused, noticing five figures by a yellow car.

"They're finally away from Quanxi, eh?" Kishibe muttered, taking a sip from his flask. Arai, Kobeni and Violence stood behind him. "You three take care of the dolls in the department store. I'll handle this." Kishibe said.

"Got it!" Violence and Arai said in unison, to Arai's anger.

"Yes sir!" Kobeni peeped.

"Oh, and Legs, back me up." Kishibe added, revealing Legs standing behind him. 

"What's this? I don't know Japanese!" The hair fiend said. She morphed the head in her hair into the shape of a magnifying glass, peering through it at Legs and Kishibe. "I see it..." She said. "The old fart's contracted with... Claw... Knife... And Needle! Friends with some dangerous devils, I see! But he's got nothing left in his body to make contacts with." She said. "As for the legs..." She turned to Legs, and peered into him.




"What the hell is that...?" The fiend muttered.


"Well, shouldn't be too hard..." She brushed it off. "As Lady Quanxi puts it, ignorance is bliss! Let's gobble them up, girls!!!" She said, and the other fiends readied themselves for a fight.


Everyone stood on edge, staring at Quanxi. The two blades she had been using crumbled to small shards as she scanned the group.

"It's her..." Tony whispered, knowing exactly who it was that he was looking at. He was terrified.

"Now or never...." (Y/N) thought, taking a fighting pose. "Time to put all that training to good-"


Quanxi burst forward and dropkicked him straight in the nuts.

"GUAAAAAAHHH!!!" (Y/N) screamed midair as he was sent flying into a wall.

"Kill her!!!" Joey yelled, whipping out his gun and firing. Quanxi ducked, grabbing a handful of metal chunks from her broken swords and flicking her wrist, sending three shards into the guns of Toby, Joey, and Aldo, breaking them. She shot towards Tony and Joey, planting her fists in their jaws and taking them out. She quickly grabbed Tony's flying body by the ankle, spinning and throwing him into Aldo, sending them both into a wall. Quanxi shot towards Denji, planting her shoe in his chin and sending him flying upwards. Tamaoki and Kusukabe threw punches at her simultaneously, only for her to duck the strike and do a handstand, kicking them both in the face. With most of them down, she turned to Yoshida.

"Octopu-" Yoshida was cut off as Quanxi came at him, and he barely guarded at a roundhouse kick aimed straight at his head. He was sent flying by the strike, tumbling and rolling on the ground, only to be caught in the massive tentacle of the Octopus Devil. "Ink." Yoshida said, and the Octopus let out a blast of black mist straight toward Quanxi. Quanxi stared at the mist as it slowly surrounded her. Yoshida lept from the mist, aiming to stab her with a knife he had pocketed. Quanxi didn't bat an eye as she spun, planting a kick square in his chin and sending him to the ground. Quanxi grabbed the knife in midair and raised it, plunging it toward Yoshida's head-

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