Part 1: Stranger in a Strange Land

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"What a fuckin' ride..." 

(Y/N) sighed, turning off his phone and leaning back, letting his head fall against his pillow. He had just finished the final chapter of the hit shonen jump manga Chainsaw Man written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. The satisfaction at seeing Denji make it out alive, the surprise he felt from Makima's semi-return in the form of Nayuta, and the small empty feeling remembering all of the characters that had died. All of these feelings rushed in his head as he closed his eyes and rested his hands on his belly. 




Now what?

It was a school night, and he had been binging Chainsaw Man till twelve. He could always rub one out to tire himself, but he wasn't in the mood. Seeing a man cook and eat his former love interest killed any hopes of beating it, along with knowing any of the characters he would beat off to were dead and gone.

"Ugh... Sleep it is then..." (Y/N) muttered and pulled the covers over himself. He had a method of getting to sleep, in which he imagined himself in an interesting scenario. He had used this method many a time to send himself straight to a dream. Sometimes it was an imaginary fishing trip, other times it was a fantasy with a fictional character or real-life crush. This time, however, Chainsaw Man still lingered in his head. He wanted to imagine a scenario in which he was in the world of Chainsaw Man. Would he be a friend to his favorite characters? Would he be able to save anyone? Would he even be able to survive?




Could he defeat Makima?


(Y/N)'s eyes widened as he was blasted with a feeling of weightlessness and cold. He opened his eyes to find himself in the sky, freefalling at a dangerously high speed towards a forest. He screamed and flailed his limbs as his body tumbled and spun in the air, careening closer and closer to the ground. After a moment more of screaming and flailing, he got a grip and tried to spread his limbs out to create some drag, feeling the air catch on his body and slow him ever so slightly. He remembered watching a four-minute-long video about something like this. As he scanned the area for any safe landing spots, he noticed a city in the distance. He knew where to go if he did survive.

"Okay- Okay-FOCUS!!! Slowed my descent, now I gotta find someplace safe to land-nope only trees. Okay, I just gotta use those I guess. Am I going too fast? How soft are trees again? How the fuck did I get here? Wait, what if this is just a falling dream? I've never felt one this active before but maybe it's a sign of puberty or something?" (Y/N)'s mind was going a mile a minute as the ground grew closer and closer. He prayed that he would wake up the moment he-









"GYAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" (Y/N) screamed, clutching his arm. He had collided with the treetops, tumbling through the leaves and branches before spilling out and landing badly on his arm. He wailed over and over, assailed with pain from his injured arm, bruises and cuts. The elbow he had landed on was lit up with unbearable pain, and it felt stiff as a board. He tried to bend his arm, but no dice. He must have dislocated and or broken his elbow. 

Hell's Villain (Chainsaw Man x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now