Part 55: Why?

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Three minutes prior...


"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?!?!?" Reze yelled, trying to maintain her footing as the entire room trembled and shook.

"Is it an earthquake!?" Aki shouted over the low, booming rumble of the earth.

Power huddled against a wall, a mix of pain and rage permanently glued to her face. She could care less about whatever the hell was happening at the moment.

"Tch!" Quanxi grunted, her fiends huddling close to her as the rumbling only intensified as more time passed.

In an instant, however...

It ceased.

The massive 'earthquake' stilled in moments, leaving everyone dazed and confused.

"What in the hell was that...?" Reze asked quietly.

The room flinched as Kishibe pushed open the door.

"Phew, that was fucking close." Kishibe grunted, wiping the sweat off of his brow.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" Pingsti screamed at Kishibe.

"The devil that was inside of (Y/N) was reborn after he died, and is currently fighting the true form of the Chainsaw Devil." Kishibe said, pulling out this flask. "Considering we're not dead or buried under tons of rubble, I'd say they took their fight elsewhere." Kishibe said.

"The Chainsaw Devil...?" Aki asked. "You mean Denji is fighting-"

"Whatever the hell that thing was, I don't think it was Denji." Kishibe grunted. "Those monsters erased an entire city block in a second flat." Kishibe said.

"It's safe to say that Denji and (Y/N) are gone for good." Kishibe declared.

Aki clenched his fists hard enough to draw blood as Reze fell to her knees, punching the floor hard enough to crack it as she let out an infuriated sob. Quanxi gritted her teeth. They really were going to be stuck in there for all eternity. 

"I'll kill her..."

The room all froze as they heard Power's infuriated hiss.

"Not again..." Quanxi muttered.

"I'll kill Makima with my bare hands...!" Power snarled, the veins in her wrists bulging.

"I'LL KILL HER!!!!!!!!" Power lept to her feet and roared to the sky as her wrists burst. Her blood shifted violently, the vague shapes of jagged weaponry flashing as it squirmed chaotically.

"Power, calm down!" Aki tried to say. 




Power screamed, every single vein in her body bulging as tears flowed from her eyes. Her blood was lashing violently, enough to put the others on edge.

"Get your fucking fiend, Topknot!!!" Quanxi yelled, her hand hovering over her eyepatch.

"Power, we can't just throw ourselves at Makima! If we die, then (Y/N) and Denji's deaths would've been for nothing!" Reze tried to reason with her.

Kishibe just stared at the drama from his recliner, sipping from his flask.

It seemed the safe room would descend into chaos long before Makima would ever become a threat to them.

Hell's Villain (Chainsaw Man x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now