Part 47: Play

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Gun Devil sustains massive damage.


Gun Devil ability activation: Gun Devil begins to open fire on unknown devil with 100% accuracy.

Unknown devil seemingly ignores all damage or is otherwise unphazed.


Unknown devil attacks a second time.





Roughly 72% of the Gun Devil is destroyed or otherwise incapacitated after attack, with the remaining 28% breaking apart and scattering in every direction.


Unknown Devil proceeds to hunt down the remaining parts, successfully destroying 99% of the Gun Devil.





The remaining 1% of the Gun Devil is spotted rapidly approaching Tokyo.


He couldn't do a damn thing.

Swirling in the hazy darkness of his unconscious mind, this was the only coherent thought of Aki Hayakawa.

Choked out and dropped into a dumpster.

He couldn't do a single thing to prevent it.

He couldn't save (Y/N).

He couldn't save anyone.

This had always been the case.

This had always been the truth that he refused to see.

This had always been the reality that he refused to embrace.

He was too weak to protect them.

He was too weak to get his revenge.

He was too weak to make a difference.

If only...

If only he had the strength...












"H-huh?" Aki thought as a voice reached him from somewhere he couldn't quite see. "W-who is this!? What are you!?" Aki's conscious yelled.






"WHAT ARE YOU!?!?!?" Aki's consciousness roared.






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