Part 16: Doubt

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For a brief moment...

All was still.

Kobeni and Arai stared them down.

Katana Man and the woman stared back.

Kobeni gripped her knife tighter.

The woman took a deep breath and raised her hand slowly.

"Snake, tail!!!" The woman shot her hand out, pointing down as a massive tail materialized, flying towards the human devil-hunters. Arai lept for the ground. Kobeni, however, took a step forward, grabbing onto and vaulting herself onto the tail. She broke into a dead sprint, running down the length of the Snake and towards her targets.

"The hell-is she a monkey!?" The Katana Man's eyes widened at Kobeni's agility, and he pointed his gun at her, firing as she rushed further down the Snake's body. In mere moments, she was on him, dodging the last bit of gunfire and spinning in the air, severing the Katana Man's arm in an instant. She grabbed the pistol out of the air, landing behind the Katana Man and planting three shots straight into his back. The snake woman gritted her teeth and aimed her pistol at Kobeni, firing as Kobeni sprinted behind (Y/N)'s corpse, grabbing him by the tongue and holding him up to shield her from the volley of bullets.

"Dammit... KON!!!" Arai yelled, plunging his hand down with a sign resembling a paw. The woman's eyes widened as the giant paw of the Fox Devil materialized above her, barely leaping out of the way as the Fox's paw smashed the concrete where she was. She broke into a sprint, grabbing the Katana Man's body and dragging him to the open doors of the van

"Fuck... DIE IN THE CAR!!!" She yelled, throwing the unconscious Yakuza into the trunk and slamming it shut. She ran to the side, jumping into the driver's seat and peeling down the street as Kobeni stared on.

"Fuck, I should've used the Fox on the car!" Arai yelled, running to the side of Kobeni. "How are they?" He asked her.

"S-Sorry for letting you get shot, Arai..." Kobeni didn't answer his question, simply apologizing for the wound on his shoulder.

"Huh? This? It's fine-"

"No, it's not..." Kobeni said in a shaking voice.


"KOBENI, GET AWAY FROM HER!!!" Arai yelled, holding an arm out to Kobeni.

"Huh?" Kobeni looked back to see the woman reach into her coat.

"KOBENIIII!!!" Arai screamed, imagining the worst.


Kobeni moved instantly, shoving her knife into the old lady's chest at an insane speed. She stared the old woman in the eyes, shaking.

"Ah..." She stared at the old woman's eyes as they went hazy. "I-I-m sorry... I thought-I'm sorry!" She staggered back as the woman stared at the knife still embedded in her. The old woman used her last ounce of strength to pull out her gun, pointing the shaking weapon at Kobeni's head. "Ah...!" She made a fearful sound as the barrel met her eyes.

"KOBENI, GET DOWN!!!" Arai came in at the last moment, barrelling into her as the gun fired. The bullet came forward, blasting straight through Arai's shoulder as he and Kobeni hit the ground. The old woman fell back and stilled, dead from blood loss. Kobeni sat, shellshocked as Arai groaned in pain, clutching his reddening shoulder.


 "You covered me... B-Because I froze after I stabbed her... If you'd been in any other position..." Kobeni shuddered, imagining Arai with a hole in his head.

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