Chapter 49

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Life was hard on all people. Everyone was going through things. Some people handled them better, not needing to seek help because they'd worked through it with family and things got better in an easier manner, not necessarily that it was easier than other peoples problems, but that they handled it better.

And some people needed therapy and medication and reassurance and no, there is no one single correct way to deal with anything. If there was one single way, someone would've written a book on it and would've became an overnight sensation on our tv screens.

Healing was custom to who you are. And every ethical way was good enough in my opinion.

My medication for my depression was working, after all i'd been through and two medication changes it was officially on track and I was good.

I was really in a better place. Not heaven, but- yeah. This was good too.

I went to dinner at Karsen's parents place with him a few times, and I'd also introduced Karsen to my nona about two weeks ago and oh the amount of gushing over how handsome and sweet he was to me over the phone when we left? Astronomical amounts of gushing, it almost made me throw up but the smile on my face stopped the vomiting.

She adored him. And that made me happy.

They played bingo together, and it was particularly funny to see that Karsen looked genuinely into the game. It was not fake enjoyment, he really liked being with us. It was wonderful. 

We all talked, we also went out for lunch together and I knew Karsen got along with like basically any human being on Earth but it was just relieving to see him get along with my nona too, because to me, she was my world.

So yeah, it was because she meant the most to me, and her approval was honestly all that mattered in my head.

I spoke to my mom in passing back at the house, our bond was there, kind of, not as strong as it had initially been, although thats no surprise since there was still that lingering tension as I hadn't come around to speaking to my father, or even so much as come around to being in the same room with him for longer than five minutes.

But I tried. I was stubborn, but not excruciatingly. So I did try.

I just couldn't do it.

On the nights he stayed over I'd usually go to Karsen's place but Karsen said he'd rather fetch me cause he knew if I was leaving the house because of my father, I was partially angry and he didn't want me driving while angry.

It was kinda stupid because I could still drive, but he was sweet for caring.

And then a week after Karsen met my nona, was graduation.

Nona and my mother came for me, and almost half of Karsen's family came for him but I wasn't surprised. We all met one another and even if the nerves were eating me up inside, I couldn't help but be happy about everything, and the fact that everyone got along, made it all the much better.

My college journey was finally over.

Cherry's glares sent at me and her entire existence was just a memory at the back of my head and all the other people who whispered about me in reference to being Karsen Krist's girlfriend were also put behind me. No more childish gossiping and annoying stares.

Now I was just Adrienne, who was going to be around her friends, boyfriend, nona and mother. No other people who didn't give a fuck about me but still spoke about me behind my back.

But there was one thing i'd miss about that place.

And that was the library.

My book heaven that I had to say goodbye too.

I'd have to go to the community library from now on but it didn't matter since barely anyone used libraries anymore. It could be my new sanctuary, I just had to make it one for me, over time i'd get there.

Now today was a day i'd been partially dreading but also feeling kind of happy for because it was my mothers birthday.

I was happy for her because it was her birthday and well most people, or some people, like their birthdays. But I was dreading today because her birthday meant i'd have to be around my father for longer than five minutes.

It gave me a headache just thinking about it but the man behind me putting on his clothes as I did my makeup made me feel better.

When I was done putting on the cherry colored lipstick I started to tie my hair up, watching Karsen in the mirror in front of me but part of me isn't fully here.

Im wondering how today will go.

He looks to me in the mirror when his shirt is on and he smiles when our eyes lock. I try to smile but its a nervous one, not exactly genuine, it had nothing to do with him though and he knew it. "I don't like this dress." I tell him honestly and he smiles more.

It was the only green dress I had. And my moms favorite color was green. So I had to use this one for the outside garden theme of her birthday dinner.

"I like it on you." He tells me, and at first I think he only says that to make me feel better about it, but honestly, Karsen probably did like it on me.

I stand up, and he looks at my shoes. "Isn't it supposed to be formal?"

"Smart casual." I say, clicking my converse toes and he raises a brow. "Quirky." I say and cringe. And he does too. Its not quirky to use a dress and sneakers, when I do it, it's me being lazy to walk in heels so this has got to do. Especially since the only reason I opted to not use heels was because walking outside in heels sucked.

I walk around his bed and get my black handbag, looking at all my stuff around his place as I put it over my shoulder. Its as if I already live here.

"Ready to go?" He asks me, putting his watch on and I shake my head firmly, making him give me a dumbfounded look. "I'll carry you to the car."

"I bite."

"Not in these circumstances you don't." He says calmly as he walks over to me and I feel the heat in my cheeks as I glare at him.

I take his hand he has out for me and as I turn the lights off in the apartment I wonder if i'll come back here regretting leaving as much as I am currently regretting it.

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