Chapter 24

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"Party tonight Karsen." Is the first thing that rings in my ear as soon as im about to get out the locker room.

I raise a brow in the direction of the voice, tapping my ear repeatedly with the palm of my hand because im pretty sure i'd got hit so hard that I potentially had damaged my ear drum.

"Before game night?" I ask Torin almost warily and he nods like it was the best decision he'd ever made, which in my opinion, it was not, "If we don't win we still have this."

Being drunk isn't the best thing for anyone right now.

"Don't say shit like that." Someone hollers from the other side of the locker room but in this case I actually do agree with them.

If everyone kept thinking we weren't ready for tomorrow we might as well give up now because we'd lose that way, everyone had to be in the right head space, and thinking we were gonna lose to one of the best college football teams in the world is not the right head space before a game.

I shake my head, getting my shirt off, "Can't make it, I have to meet with Addy." We'd gotten through so much moulding last night that we didn't want to stop our streak, and tonight we were gonna paint and I didn't want her to do it alone. Even though she probably would prefer too.

But I didn't want her to be alone, or maybe I didn't want to be alone, I wanted to be with her, especially right now before a game because i'd get anxious but she made everything better.

Plus, its a fucking Wednesday. I was not gonna get drunk and hungover before tomorrow and truthfully, I don't think they should have done shit like that either, but who am I tell them what to do or what not to?

You're their captain Karsen. A part of my brain reminds me but I ignore it. I may be their captain but they're their own people, they make their own decisions.

"You're seriously knocking us off for some pussy?"

The room falls silent.

At first, I swear I thought i'd heard wrong.

But because of how quiet it had gotten, I knew I didn't.

Apparently. It had significantly quieted down in the locker room and when I looked to Keath, he just continued with lacing his shoes.

"What the fuck does that mean?"

He looked over at me and shrugged his shoulders, "We all saw that girl yesterday, theres no way you're not banging her Krist."

I blinked.

I didn't speak, or reply, or do anything's stupid till-

"She's fucking hot."

Oh fuck it.

I didn't mean to pull my fist back and punch him in the fucking face, but when I did, I had some fucked up sense of satisfaction.

As soon as I did the silence broke and thats when shit went sideways.

He hit back, definitely bruising my cheek before he pushed me back and I did to causing him fall over, the guys pulled us apart before it got any worse and even though right now I really wanted to hurt him for the shit he said, I also didn't want to lose tomorrow because this asshole was injured.

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