Chapter 47

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Monday morning rolls in faster than it had the previous weeks.

I honestly can't complain.

Actually, I can.

I got to college early, trying to avoid any people and their lingering questions about Karsen and I but it doesn't work out for me, because as soon as people started piling into my first class, so did some girl and her friends who sit beside me, talking in hushed tones while I jot down an relevant information since finals were about to start in about two to three weeks and I needed to be ready.

It was the last few weeks of this hell hole. And I wanted to preserve so I could leave just as quickly as the days have been coming.


I don't look up from the notes I'm making at the sound, because honestly, I had no clue it was for me.

That is until the girl beside me nudges my elbow and I look to her, raising a brow, but not showing any other form of expression as this was kinda odd to happen to me.

I barely spoke to people apart from my friends, and when I did, it was not in class.

"Are you and Karsen really together?"

I stare blankly back at her. I blink twice, clearly not caring enough to answer but the three girls in the seats behind her are also looking at me expectantly so...

"We are." I say, before looking down and writing once again, just for the girl to nudge me less than five minutes later and I look up to her again with the very same look.

"Since when? What about Cherry? Did they breakup long ago? Was he actually single or did you guys start dating immediately after?"

She asks me so many questions in one breath that my mind feels like it got wrapped around itself and was suffocating. I blink twice again at little ms curious before I clear my voice and speak, "Its all a bit private if you don't mind." I tell her, not harshly or anything, its a simple statement. I needed to focus on the work and not explain my life story to the random girl i've never seen in my entire life in this eight thirty class.

She just rolls her eyes at me, like I'm the one in the wrong for wanting privacy in MY relationship. And then the girls resume whispering about who knows what but I bet a hundred dollars that its on Karsen but I don't want that to distract me.

And as much as I don't want Karsen to distract me. Nothing goes my way.

Throughout all my classes theres at least one person who asks about Karsen and I, and the most was four people with four different friend groups and honestly, I hated it.

I didn't like people talking to me, noticing me, asking me questions and being rude to my face when I didn't want to talk about something private to me.

I was so exhausted by the end of the day, so exhausted that I skipped my last class with Karsen to go to work at the library early, and I started work early so I wouldn't have to think, because books were my drug and I needed my addiction right now.

So I packed and read, multitasking, but our librarian didn't mind, as long as I got my work done.

Time seems to drawn out into the following hours.

And now it was somewhere around four, just about when I was finishing stacking all the books and was ready to leave, and thats when I heard his voice.

"Where were you?" He asks me as he walks over the distance, his hair slightly damp and he has a slight flush on his cheeks, one that he gets from a hot shower, which is the first thing I notice as I look to him beside me.

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