Chapter 20

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I said yes.

And I think it had something to do with how genuine he sounded when he told me he wanted me there at the carnival.

It messed with my head a little because I was standing in front my moms bedroom door now, standing with my high waisted shorts and cropped top and converses and curls up in two ponytails and I was horrified to leave her alone for an entire Saturday.

"Mom." I said slowly and she nods as she stirs in bed, changing her pillows side and I swallow, "Im going out with some-" Some what?


"Friends..." I say dryly, hoping she didn't question me on why I'd hesitated. "I just wanted you to know i'll be home late but if you need me i'll be home immediat-"

"No, no honey go, I don't mind." She looks to me, opening her eyes and she forces a smile onto her pale skinned face, her cheekbones eerily prominent from how little weight she has on her face, "Really... some friends?"

I blink at that, not exactly knowing how to feel about this whole situation, "Yeah." We haven't really spoke about anything like this since I was a kid, of course she knew I was a quiet and more to myself someone, but she didn't seem shocked that I had friends, just happy.

She nods, "Okay."

I nod once back.

"You look pretty by the way, have fun."


I clear my throat, hoping it'd clear that word from my head. "Thank you, okay." I say, smiling weakly as I move back, turning around and walking down to the kitchen.

I quickly make her breakfast before I go back upstairs, leave it inside her room on the bed side table, and then I walk away.

I hope today is better for us mom.


When Karsen texts me saying that I should come outside I stand up and set my pants, making sure that the marks from my first painfully deep self harm incident were hidden over my high waisted shorts and when I saw it definitely was I breathed out.

And then I walked outside.

Locking the door behind me before walking to get in his car.

When im in and I sigh, leaning back on the seat, closing my eyes, relishing the a/c, that is of course until he tugs at a pigtail causing me to turn my head to him and I glare. "Don't touch me."

"Someones in a good mood." He says dryly and I roll my eyes. I buckle the seatbelt over my body before I speak to him again, "So wheres everyone else?"

"They're gonna meet us there."

I nod. "How long is the drive that I had to be ready before ten in the morning?" I ask when he puts the car into drive, however the hell stick works and he hums for a moment.

"An hour."

"Oh so not that ba-

He clears his throat, "And another hour onto that one hour."

I blink. "So two hours Karsen?"

He nods a fee nods, "Yep, that'd be it yes."

Im blatantly staring at him with a pissed off expression which he doesn't seem to take note of for a little while till he looks to me and rolls his eyes, "What? Im pretty bearable."

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