Chapter 19

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"I don't think i've ever seen you in just a skirt before." Karsen says as I put a few books away in the library shelf and I blink, looking to him to my side and his eyes are on my legs.

Hormonal fucker.

I cross my arms over my chest and turn around fully which makes him look up to my eyes, he smiles mischievously at me, "I like your clothing choices Addy."

Oh? "What?"

"Your clothes always look completely different from the clothes you wear the days before, and you always look pretty."

You always look pretty.

What was with him and calling me pretty all of a sudden?

"Im an art major Karsen." I say with a smirk and he cocks his head to the side, "I wear hoodies, t-shirt and sweats majority of the time."

"Because you're also a boring football player." I explain dryly as I put more books into the shelves, "Well no offense, your choice of clothing is cute for a guy but my real personality is my clothes." I thought he always looks nice in simple looking clothes.

For example, his jeans were nice because they weren't skinny jeans which looked weird to me, instead he used straight jeans, and his sweatshirts although plain were cute with his Air-forces he used majority of the time.

Thankfully he doesn't bring up the cute comment.

"Your personality is just the word random?" He asks and I shake my head, "Creative I guess." I tell him as I put a book into the top shelf, struggling to slide it in, he moves between my arms and I blink at his back.

He puts the book in for me before turning around, and I tip my head back to look at him before I realize he's cornered between my arms and so I drop it down.

"I thought we could do something together." He says.

"Depends." I say simply, "You're too close by the way, my neck is gonna snap."

He leans down and when our faces are inline, noses almost touching, I blink.

That ones on me.


I look to his body, how he had to significantly bend down to have his face in line with my own, "How are you that freaking tall?"

"Im six four."

I blink. Im only 5'5. And I was wearing heeled boots right now.

"Holy shit." I mutter without meaning too and he smirks.

Our faces were still in line and he looks just as good up close, a few usually unnoticeable freckles over his nose now noticeable at this closeness.

His attractiveness makes me want to slap him.

I turn around, getting another book and taking it to its place, "Im not going anywhere with you, im almost done with another art piece."

"Why'd you start without me?" He asks.

"I enjoy working alone, and not in a mean way, art is my happy version of solitude Krist."

"Can I at least help you out with it?"

"You can but will I let you?" I ask as I go get another book, "Im a little bit of a perfectionist."

"Haven't noticed." He says dryly, which of course means he is being sarcastic and I look to him, glaring because he knew for a fact that right now I was resetting all the books that were all in wrong place because it irked me, which proved that I was indeed a perfectionist.

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