Chapter 30

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I left the tent before Karsen could wake up, practically crawling so I hadn't made any sound that would have woken him up on my way out but this was not for polite reasoning. I'd been this way all because I didn't want to talk to him yet after last night.

I'd never been so... unclothed, in front of anyone before and with my long time of processing of it all, it was now a little shocking to me that he'd actually seen me that way, that he'd seen me in nothing but my underwear.

It was mind boggling to think that last night Karsen had kissed me and touched me everywhere and what scared me the most is that I really liked it.

I liked every moment, every kiss to my neck, lips, jaw, even the kisses down my body and I had no idea it was good or bad thing that i'd almost slept with Karsen, but there was absolutely no logical reason for it to be good so it had to be bad.

Especially since Karsen was not one to be into relationships.

It was a mistake, one little minuscule kiss that went too far because of some unresolved tension between us but now that could change. All we needed to do was forget about it.

And to forget about it, I had to ignore him, until I came up with a better plan at least.

Avoid him. Or something. I had to do something because doing nothing wasn't possible and I had no idea what to say or do.

So that was why I was standing and eating ice cream around the counter, no pancakes on my plate like Summer's had, just the plain ice cream with a big ass spoon in hand. Trying to get the taste and feeling of his warm lips off of mine but it still lingered there like a reminder that it had felt so damn good in the moment. And even now just thinking about how he kissed me made me inwardly swoon.

I guess I knew why girls loved him so much. He probably could do magical things with that mout-

"What're you think so hard about?" Summer asks me as she pours more syrup onto her pancakes and I look over to her, my thoughts coming to a pause as lick I my lips of any ice cream that remained.

"Just thoughts, in general, school and stuff." I mumble out, tracing my finger over the design of the spoon and she hums. "Im kinda scared... for real life."

Me too.

"Why?" I ask to keep her talking and she does after taking a bite of her pancake with ice cream, "I just don't want to mess up, my diet is already messy."

Truth was, her diet wasn't messy, but they expected so much from her that she thought it was when it wasn't, she rarely ever ate junk food and often withdrew from it, but I guess that was some sort of guilt she had on her shoulders.

"And I'm scared I won't get anywhere." She mumbles the words out, "Sometimes I think I made a mistake with my major."

Sometimes I do too. Because what job prospects are there even for what I studied? Not much, and thats just the harsh truth.

"You did what you loved, and thats all that matters."

"But what if I wasted four years of my life?"

"You didn't waste it if you enjoyed it." I tell her, taking another spoonful of ice cream and eating it and she seems to ponder through my words before she nods, as if it actually made sense to her, "I guess you're right."

My lips quirk up a little at that and I'm just about to speak again when the back sliding door opens and four guys voices come to hear.

Four different voices, meaning one definitely belongs to the golden boy.

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