Chapter 11

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After what my nonna had said over the phone i'd got home and took out the paper in the drawer, and then I added his number into my contacts.

I then proceed to throw away the paper and fell asleep sometime after putting my phone to charge.

I wasn't a good person, but I don't think I was necessarily a bad one either.

I wouldn't call myself misunderstood because that was something along the lines of making excuses for who I was but there was no reason to do that.

One word wasn't able to describe how I acted.

I was rude, brief, bitchy, cold, distant but in the end I was still a human, I still had feelings, and I could still be capable of feeling bad.

And I did. The longer I drove home, the more bad I felt.

It was the end of the college day.

I'd successfully avoided going to my last class again and with a lot of thought i'd went to the coffee shop Karsen took me not too long ago instead.

I'd thought he'd be here after the class ended, or well I hoped he would be, and when he wasn't i'd felt like telling myself this was fate telling me that I shouldn't try.

But truth was, I never really ever believed in fate.

So I took my phone out, sending a mental fuck you out to fate and texted Karsen, asking him to meet me at the coffee shop if he had time and I knew he was nice, so he'd probably make time even if he was busy anyway.

Then before I put my phone away i'd rolled my eyes at the brief message i'd texted with my name. I shot him another text, all that text saying was a simple, please.

Now i'd walked into the coffee shop, looking around the inside, noticing that there was barely anyone in here and of course there wasn't because it was a Monday at exactly 2pm.

I walked over to the counter and ordered the coffee he liked.

Black coffee with three sugars. Heinous

And I also got myself a cookie and water because even if I was horrible for everything else, I deserved a cookie for at least trying with Karsen.

That reminds me. I checked my phone, but no reply, and suddenly it felt like the world was crashing but it had only been a few minutes and I was definitely just being dramatic.

After sometime of scanning the menu in boredom I walked over to the seat i'd sat down with him a week before, playing with my phone in hand just for the very same waitress that day to give me my stuff.

She didn't stay to say hi or even so much as look at me to recognize me. She set my stuff down, meaning the coffee in a to go cup, as well as a blue velvet cookie with white chocolate chips for Karsen and a red velvet cookie with brown chocolates chips and water bottle for me.

I didn't know if he even liked cookies, but the colors of it reminded me of him for some reason and so I got it.

After she set it down she'd left.

It was now around an hour after I got here, an hour of sitting in coffee shop and at the time around three it began to fill up and I didn't like being alone in here with so many people gathered together.

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