Meet The Govenor

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"I gotta hand it to you

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"I gotta hand it to you. You're a lot tougher than I remember. No surprise you lasted this long. Shoot, I figured the way officer-friendly abandoned people, he would've left you behind by now. But he didn't do that did he?" Merle asked,

Olivia hung her head back as Merle walked away from her. Herself and Tyler were now both covered in blood after being beaten to pieces by Merle and he sat down on the table, "Hmm. So tell me, where y'all been at?"

"It's just a matter of time before they come looking." Tyler said, knowing if that if Merle was hitting him he wasn't hitting Olivia or Maggie or Glenn

Merle smiled, "I'll bake a cake with pink frosting. Would they like that? Ain't nobody coming."

"Rick is. And when he gets here-"

Merle cut Olivia off, "He's gonna do nothing, not if he wants you, the chinaman and Bo Peep back. Think I'm in this by myself? You can't take us all. There's too many of us. There ain't a pair of nuts between the whole pussy lot of you."

Just then there was a knock on the door, Merle stood up and walked toward it, "I'll see what I can get out of Glenn."

A few minutes later another man walked in, "May I? I'm Phillip"

"Go ahead." Olivia said

Phillip nodded, "Thank you. We'll take you back to your people, explain this was all just a misunderstanding. Even get you some medical help, I think Merle went a little overboard. You tell us where they are and we'll drive you there."

"I want to talk to my sister." Tyler said

Phillip shook his head, "I can't allow that. Your people are dangerous. Handcuffed my man to a roof, forced him to amputate his own hand. You just tell us where they are and we'll bring them here. You'll be safe, I promise." The pair stayed quiet, "No? Fine. Let's try something else."

He stood up and walked around until he was behind Olivia's chair. He moved all her hair onto one side of her head before taking out a knife and slowly dragged the blunt edge up the side of her neck ending at her chin, "Do I need to ask again?" He looked at Tyler who was struggling against the restraints.

At the World's end- 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓪𝓵𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓭Where stories live. Discover now