18. Darkness Desires

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Park Chanyeol swirls his glass of wine slowly and pushes the door open to Baekhyun's room. He turns the lights on and walks to the window, starring out at the neighborhood view, housetops and streetlamps. The room carried a hint of Baekhyun's smell to it, just a touch of something familiar. Had he come into his office because he missed Chanyeol? Had he come into the office to escape work? Had he really just come to thank him? Either way, he wanted to see that pipsqueak's face more than he cared to admit. Becky was his primary focus, and he spent a great deal of time with her, but he hadn't made move to kiss her even once. He wanted to believe that he was being respectful, but part of him knew that it was out of a confusion left lingering in his heart. He wanted to kiss one of the Byun twins, that was damn certain, but it wasn't Becky. It's still Baekhyun. Only, Byun Baekhyun.

He touches the gaudy, atrocious, big-breasted figurines on the shelves, stirring dust as he goes. What possible worth could these ghastly dolls have to him considering he seemed to favor men more than he did women... Just hours earlier, he had been moaning easily into Chanyeol's cock wedged between his ass cheeks like it was giving him life. A quick swig of red wine to wash that thought away, and Chanyeol turns his attention to the bulletin board of pictures by his desk. The ugly pretty boy was the object of Chanyeol's unending desire, every photo a fascinating obsession to trace into his memory. Tonight would be the real test, finally in a room with both of the Byun twins at once. Where would his attention be? Would he be able to focus on Becky, when his body was permanently tuned to everything Baekhyun did?

The smell of vanilla and strawberry comes in quickly along with slender arms around his waist and he braces himself, holding the wine glass at a distance in case it spills on impact. He sets the glass down on the edge of the desk and pats the arms clasped tightly around him.

"Oppa, are you ready to come down for dinner?"

Chanyeol looks down at the hand clasped against his waist. Her pale skin, delicate bones beneath thin skin, her wealth evident in her manicured fingertips. She was the same breed as Baekhyun, too impulsive, too brash, too spoiled to be considered in good taste. And in all of her similarities to his intern, there were details that he could not get over that were absent. Such as the birthmark on his thumb or the small freckle above his lip. He touches her thumb, and he feels at once guilty, knowing that she took the gesture as love when really he was showing her pity.


"Sorry, I don't want to keep your parents waiting." He says and turns towards her.

"They're fine. They're happy that you're here again."

Chanyeol smiles at her and cradles her face in both hands.

"I've been here every day for a week. They're going to get tired of me."

"They better not. We're getting married. They're going to have to deal with you for a very long time. I just wish Baekhyun would stop being such an asshole and come home already. Mom is starting to get worried."

Chanyeol doesn't mention that Becky had previously been absent from the house for months on end and worried her mother as well, instead he focuses on what that means and nods his head.

"I take it he won't be at dinner tonight?"

"No. He called and said he was on a date."

Chanyeol's jaw clenches, his mouth drawing into a thin line.

"It's okay, baby, don't be upset." She coos. "He's always like this. There's nothing to worry about."

But Chanyeol's fake smile to appease her doesn't cool his ire, and he wonders how long it would take him to stop getting irritated that his brother in law insisted on spending the night with other men.

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