9. Lines of Friendship

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Baekhyun rolls over in his bed, looking out the window across the room, the narrow panes partially hidden behind his thick curtains.

What could Chanyeol be always looking out at?

Doesn't he look out at the exact same buildings every day? Why is he perpetually looking out the window? And why was his boss doing these awful things to him? While he's already thinking about the prick, he had to wonder about the why. His neck is sore with his bruises, it hurts to turn his head in either direction, and it hurts just to lie there. Why was this happening to him? His life has now become consumed with kisses, drunken and sober, voluntary and involuntary.

Still... he has to admit that Chanyeol is good at what he does... Not that he ever wanted to let it happen again. Because Chanyeol had said only one more kiss. Well actually, he hadn't agreed to that part. He had agreed to calling if Baekhyun kissed him but he hadn't agreed that this would be the last time. After the bullshit stunt he pulled before, Baekhyun probably should have confirmed it. He should have, but he was in too much of a hurry, too flustered and emotionally unstable. His father had brought up the irresolvable, the irreversible, asking Baekhyun to watch over the women in the family if anything were to happen.

Baekhyun scoffs to himself, kicking away his blankets, adjusting the hem of the black nike track pants he had on and standing up. What the hell is wrong with him? What is he doing?

Kissing his boss? A man, no less. He wasn't accustomed to kissing men, but strangely, it didn't feel at all different from kissing a girl. Chanyeol was sturdier and more in control, yes. He wasn't soft or tender, and he didn't mew out small weak sounds of approval. He was husky and thick, solid and sure. There was no ambiguity to his reactions. He was solid in his hard length, and his approving sounds were strong. Baekhyun feels the heat moving to his cheeks again as he remembers the event. Sitting in his dark bedroom at his parent's house, Baekhyun shivers in the cool room, mind blazing through a graphic memory of the events of earlier in the day. His stiff neck felt almost slightly less unpleasant with the memory of Chanyeol's mouth attached. He catches his breath as he realizes a soft, almost accidental mew had escaped his mouth at the very thought of it. Suddenly nervous about what this could mean, he starts to try to remember the last time he kissed a girl. He tries to remember what it was like but the memories from that drunken coworker karaoke extravaganza are a little hazy and the parts he does recall have his kissing two people. The was a girl... he can't place a face, a name or a voice to her, but he was vaguely aware of it, and then there was a man. Kim Jongin. He wasn't sure what it meant but he knew that another encounter with the man was in order to reassess this feeling he had. If he's gay, then he'll accept it. He's never really cared much either way about the whole homosexuality thing. He'd just never given it a try before. But if he's just feeling strange things for his boss, then that's entirely different shoebox of emotions and he knows without a doubt that he needs to resolve this before he spends even one more minute alone in that man's office.

The kissing had to end, and all the other admittedly pleasant but humiliating things that go along with it too.

"So just call him and invite him to dinner."

Baekhyun has to hold back the sigh that would have clouded the receiver with his dissatisfaction at the quality of his best friend's reception of this news.

"If it were that easy, Kyungsoo, I would have done it already. Don't you think?"

The man's disinterest was almost palpable through the phone, but he doesn't let it alter his advice.

"It's that simple, Byun. Call him and ask him to dinner."

"How many men have you asked to dinner in your lifetime?" Baekhyun asks.

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