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There's you stood beside the rest of your comrades who decided to give their hearts, as you raced forward. The beast stood tall on the other side of the field but that didn't slow any of you down as screaming erupted within the small army of you.

It started with the Commander who let out a war cry, hoping to spur on determination from the rest of the group. Easily, it influenced everyone else as they added onto the chorus even though were scared out of their minds.

Their brave ambition was falsified in this moment, but one thing was for certain...Until everything burned out, you'd all continue running into the chaos this world created.

"Alright", Erwin shouted out from in front of you as he held his smoke signal high into the air, "Fire!", He ordered causing everyone to let off a shot, which coated the battle field with thick green smoke.

It was enough to draw Zeke's attention to the group as he reached to the ground to pick up a boulder, "Everyone spread out! Incoming!"

You moved along with a small group, recognizing Floch and Marlow among the soldiers who carried on. Tears ran down their cheeks as the wind whipped against your faces, "Stay strong! Just keep pushing forward", You called out to them before brining your attention back to the Commander.

Their was a small buzzing that echoed in your ears as tiny rocks soared past your body, making you duck, "Get down", You ordered, as you pressed your cheek against the mane of your horse.

Your eye's wondered over to Marlo and Floch, as the brunette was pummeled with debris. His body immediately fell to the ground, crushed beneath the galloping horses that ran behind him. The red head remained upright as he followed your orders, continuing to push forward as he held tightly onto the frightened animal.

Looking up, you shifted your attention to the Commander-Waiting for his next set of orders, but they never came. He quickly tumbled off of his own horse once he was hit in the stomach with a large rock. Your eyes widened for a moment as a series of gasps left soldiers mouths.

You closed your eyes for a moment to calm yourself down. Anger pulsed within every fiber of your body, but you couldn't allow yourself to become unstable in a situation like this-You needed to get back no matter what. With one last breath you shouted out, "Don't look back! Keep charging!"

You weren't going to let the Commander's sacrifice go to waste-Running away wasn't an option at this point. Raising your hand to the sky you called out again, "The second attack is coming! Fire!" Another set of smoke was sent off as you continued to ride on. More comrades screamed out in pain as they were taken out once again.

Blood coated the once green meadow, making you look down to notice the crimson stain's on your own cloths. You bathed in the blood of the innocent who had courageously given their life for a gamble such as this. Even if the scouts were able to succeed after all of this, would the rest of humanity still see the hope these young recruits did?

With the cloud of dust fogging up the area it was almost impossible to see where Zeke was. At this point everyone who had survived was going in completely blind. The only comfort any of you had was the shouting from their fellow comrades, letting them know that this fight wasn't over-Not until every last one of you was down.

Quickly, you broke out of the smog along with only a few more soldiers as another smoke signal was taken-This time directly at the beats head. His glare sent uncontrollable shivers down your spine-You forgot how frightening he truly was in this form.

Warrior |J.KirsteinWhere stories live. Discover now