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After Commander Pyxis sent the Garrison off he had you all follow him to the top of the wall to discuss more of the plans you had crafted. You sat around as the four of you told him everything, not bothering to leave out any details.

"So, visiting this cellar should clear everything up", He questioned looking out to the city.

"Yes sir, well at least I think so", Eren answered.

"For the moment, there is no way to validate all of the claims you've made—For now, ill just catalogue them in my head—With that said I can usually tell the difference between the unctuous and the sincere, which is why I personally guarantee your safety", Pyxis informed as you let out a small sigh of relief.

"You're cadet Armin Arlert, is that correct", he asked looking over at the blonde.

"yes sir", He rushed out nervously.

"You mentioned a plan to harness this so called titan ability and then utilize your fiends power to retake this city. Do you believe it could work? Or were you grasping at straws to save your hides?"

"Um...Well...Both, Commander", he nodded curtly as he pressed his fist to his chest out of respect, "I was going to suggest that Eren, using his strength as a titan could lift that giant boulder. We could use it to block off the wrecked gate."

"That was the best idea I was able to come up with on the spot. Although it was her idea first", He said pointing over to you, "She came up with the plan to convince the Garrison that keeping Eren alive is better than killing him. I came up with the last bit on the spot. I—I just wanted to make everyone see how Eren's ability might provide a solution to the problem we all face", He finished as he looked down in defeat, not believing that his plan was all that good.

"Its a good plan Armin", you spoke up as they all looked over at you, "Especially because of the situation we were in. While staring death in the face you tried crafting some type of solution to this shit show. It was incredible. Don't doubt that your idea wasn't amazing."

"Ah, you must be the solider that I've heard so much about", Pyxis called out causing you to bring your attention to him, "You work along side the scouts even though you have only just graduated correct?"

"Yes", You nodded.

"They say your combat skills are something to be jealous over. Top two in your class, and early admission into a military regiment. Too bad you chose to waste your life in the scouts rather somewhere more productive", He muttered as you frowned at his words.

"No disrespect commander, but the Scouts are some of the most skilled soldiers I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Unlike the other regiments that tend to slack off due to booze", you nodded towards the flask that peaked out from under his uniform.

"Its why you need cadets like us to handle these kind of situations because your men are not fully cut out for this mess", You shrugged as the commander stayed silent before letting out a deep chuckle.

"The rumors are true, you sure do have a mouth on you", He continued to laugh as you remained silent.

"No wonder you wanted Armin to do all the talking", Eren sighed grimacing at your lack of manners.

"Anyhow, back to the problem at hand...What do you say, Cadet Jaeger?", Pyxis called out as Eren stood at attention.

"Sir", he questioned unsure of what the Commander was insinuating.

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