Chapter 21 (M)

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There was silence for a few moments before Constantine took his hands off his shirt. "Won't lie, I am pretty tempted here, but you know what you're asking right?"

"Yes." Ari answered quickly, almost desperately.

He wasn't thinking clearly.

"There's no going back from this." Just like the first time they met, Constantine leaned down close enough for their foreheads to touch. This time it was different, less threatening but not less frightening. Ari was admittedly scared, but he was dying of anticipation. "Do I need to remind you of the kind of person I am?"

A killer. Ari was pretty much aware of that, and it was most of what he thought about whenever Constantine crossed his mind. If he were to be honest, even if he wasn't thinking clearly right now, he knew for certain that he might make the same choices he's making right now if he's sober. Ever since they met, Constantine barely left his mind.

It felt wrong, but he was all he could think of. Ari felt so guilty about it.

"Let me worry about regretting my own choices." A moment of weakness was all it took for his self-control to slip. His hands moved upwards pulling Constantine down for a kiss and he wasn't stopped this time.

Something unraveled inside of him as he felt himself relax into the kiss. Time has just stopped, and everything became meaningless. Ari found the serenity he had been chasing before and suddenly nothing mattered.

A sound left him as Constantine deepened the kiss with his movements more confident now like all he needed was Ari's permission to go further.

And further he went as Ari felt hands roam around his body exploring him.

There was not a single thought in his mind other than Constantine who had a hand hold Ari by the curve of his back, and the other was going dangerously low groping him, making an eager moan escape from his throat.

Ari's head was spinning, and his hands that were resting on Constantine's shoulders decided to trail their way from his neck down to his abdomen, and all Ari could think of was how he wanted more. It was probably the first time in his life that he let himself indulge his desires this far, but nobody would know about this except him.

So when he felt a finger hook itself on the waistband of his pants he didn't stop it, instead opting to aid it in taking off whatever unwanted layer that is between them.

When his lower part was finally free of any restrictions, he let out a surprised yelp when hands grabbed him by the thigh and heaved him up pressing his back onto the wall. Finding his feet up in the air like that startled him a bit, and he instinctively held on to Constantine fearing that he'd fall.

It almost sobered him up, but Constantine had decided to start kissing and nibbling on his neck making heat run through his body. It was maddening.

As lost as Ari was in everything, he still wasn't lost enough to not notice something press and prod his backside making him immediately tense up, frozen. As eager as he was seconds ago, the reality of the situation finally set in but it was already too late.

"Ah, shi-"

Anything he was about to say got choked up and all he could do was just hold on tightly feeling himself being spread apart when something invasive entered him. Gulping down the sounds coming out of him, he closed his now teary eyes and just braced himself for more feeling kisses all over his neck.

It felt warm, and with the pain pleasure came in tow.

"You're trembling. You okay?"

No, Ari wasn't okay at all.

He didn't even know he was trembling, and he pushed himself away from Constantine and leaned back on the wall once more trapped between it and him, his leg still in the air being held up so effortlessly. He couldn't speak properly, everything was hazy as his chest went up and down as he struggled to breathe, but he still managed to move and elevate himself slightly using Constantine's shoulder.

"You can move now." He said figuring out that they were already too far in to stop now, and Constantine didn't need much more encouragement to keep going.

"You're adorable like this." Constantine's voice was close to his ear making shivers run all over his body as he fucked him against the wall where Ari could feel the friction on his back. It was so easy to just not think and let it all happen as he whined with every thrust until a certain spot in him was hit making his whole body clench and go taut feeling as if he was electrified. "There?"

Too shy to voice out his pleas of what he wanted; Ari buried his reddening face in Constantine's shoulder nodding his head. Without words needed, he was understood and his silent requests were obliged. With every thrust that hit that place, something built up inside him and he didn't need to think as he chased that feeling with zeal.

Everything felt warm all over, and a hand pulled him back and grabbed him by the chin so that he could be given a slow appreciative kiss.

It was a mystery to Ari how long they remained like that just lost in pleasure, and how much time he spent just clinging to Constantine letting him do as he pleased. He tried not to focus too much on his own voice that sounded alien to him, but it soon subsided to soft whimpers until everything was over.

Ari found himself climbing off of Constantine with his head clearing up like a spell broken.

Coldness was the first thing he felt as he silently picked up his discarded clothes.

Before anything happened, Ari had thought about the what ifs of doing this. The one thing he expected and braced himself for was the regret that came after gratification, and he did feel gratified. However, never had he ever thought about the longing that would follow.

It confused him.

And maybe Constantine didn't say anything because he was wary, or maybe he, too, thought that Ari would regret what had just happened. It was true that Ari wouldn't have normally done this and was drunk on all the pheromones he was exposed to, but even after he finished dressing himself, he still went back surprising them both as he gave Constantine one last kiss just because he wanted to savour the soft touch. Softness he often craved.

No, maybe he was still affected. This wasn't how he'd normally act.

Constantine was greedy because he pulled him for another kiss. "How about we meet up more like this instead?"

Ari's heart fluttered and if he had noticed the broken restrains behind them and their traces on Constantine's arms, he pretended not to as he looked away shyly.

"...I would like that."

This was wrong, he shouldn't have said or done that. It seemed like all what Ari was capable of doing was making the wrong choices, and that statement was only reinforced when he walked out of that room to see the body of a bleeding man next to his feet.

So that's what had fallen when he was pulled in...

To think that Constantine has just slept with him right after killing someone was a horrifying thought, and that's the moment regret had set in.

That's why he shouldn't have been so captivated by a killer. This was something that would never change, and one would think he'd realize this since someone died every time they met.

But denial was always easy, so he turned around and pretended to not have seen anything.

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