A face he never thought he'd be happy to see, but his happiness was short-lived when he realized that his situation might not have gotten any better.

In fact, it might have gotten worse.

"Thank you." He didn't know what else to say.

Ari was given a smile and a pat on the head before his savior, Constantine, walked up to the beta who was nursing a headache from the impact on his skull before he was kicked down on the ground easily. Without missing a beat, Constantine stepped on one of his hands putting enough force in his foot for the beta's fingers to convulse as they cracked and broke.

The sounds of bones breaking was just disgusting.

Horrified, all Ari could do was watch as the Beta screamed and struggled some more.

When Constantine was done destroying his hand, the beta rolled on his side holding it as he let out pained sounds akin to sobs. "You really have a knack for getting into trouble, huh?" Constantine spoke casually as he placed a foot on the beta to roll him on his back once more.

There was ease in the way he moved and dealt with the beta, and Ari knew for a fact that it was due to practice. The sheer power disparity between alphas and anything else was as impressive as it was unfair.

"I'm sorry." Ari wanted once again to run away, especially when he watched Constantine place a foot on the beta's throat. He almost wished he was never saved as he heard struggling gurgles while the beta thrashed to get Constantine's foot off of him. "Wait, you're killing him!"

It was stupid of Ari to say that, but he couldn't help it. This was hard to watch for him, and his heart couldn't take it. Seeing someone struggle like that was difficult, even if they attacked him moments ago, but it wasn't right.

Maybe Ari really was stupid.

"That's the idea." Constantine chuckled holding the beta's uninjured arm when it tried to claw at his ankles. It was only a matter of time before the beta dies.

And as usual, Ari couldn't just sit still and not say or do anything.

Constantine watched him curiously as he walked up to him with an upset face and tears flowing freely from his eyes without him even him knowing about it. All what Ari could think of was that this was cruel and heartless, and he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight after witnessing someone die like this.

"Please," He begged pleadingly pulling on Constantine's arm, terrified. "Just let him go."

"It's just a feral, why do you care?"

The sounds coming out of the beta were unbearable. "This is abhorrent. He's a feral, he doesn't know what he's doing."

"You're right." Constantine agreed and a loud sound of something snapping echoed around them. The widening grin on his face was etched in Ari's mind as he looked up at him feeling like the whole world went still. "All the more reason to kill him."

The lifeless body of the beta sat motionless on the ground as Ari took a step back letting go of Constantine's arm.


Amused, Constantine took his foot off of the beta's throat and stepped closer to the petrified Ari. "Why not?"

Fear was an emotion that he witnessed so many times and loved it. Constantine often did things to evoke it, and he loved to see how people react when they're under its spell. Sometimes they'd freeze, and sometimes they'd do irrational things. Other times they might just mindlessly attack which would give him an unneeded excuse to retaliate by killing them.

Somehow, though, he found that fear looked absolutely delicious on Ari.

It was the first time Constantine thought about it this way. There was no wish to intimidate the poor boy, he just wanted to see him afraid. The first time he witnessed him just shake in his place was the time Constantine knew that he craved for more.

Ari was beautiful even as he cried.

"No, no, no..." He sounded distraught probably blaming himself for a death he never caused. It was Constantine to blame entirely, and he couldn't help but reach out with his hand and wipe the tears that kept falling. "You didn't have to do it. You didn't."

"I didn't." He confirmed with his lips twitching up in amusement as Ari continued to cry over the dead body of a feral who was doomed anyway. People were silly mourning such deaths. "Think about your bleeding self first."

Ari didn't say anything regretting ever being in this situation.

It never occurred to him that he might have ran to the same spot where he found Constantine last time. He literally led himself there without realizing it.

And if he did realize it, he'd rather not think about it.

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