Bukan Update (25 Nov 22)

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Hi dear beloved readers 👋🏻

Thank you so much for your support & kesudian anda menunggu chapter baru tanpa jemu.

Also, nak minta maaf kerana dah lama tak ada update chapter baru. Takde niat langsung nak abaikan novel ni, tapi now saya tengah down sebab baru sahaja patah hati. This recent experience sangat painful untuk saya & it's effecting my daily life routines. Hati ini rasa seperti pecah berderai. Sakitnya hanya Tuhan sahaja yang tahu 💔

Now saya dalam self healing, soul searching & self reflection journey. Bila² saya dah much better emotionally, saya janji akan update balik novel ni. Please wish me luck & pray for me please.. 🤲🏻🥺💔

Thank you so much and I love all of you 💗

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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