Misa said, a bit dejectedly.

That reminded me, Fina was also 10 years old. When was her birthday?

Thinking about the environment Fina grew up in, she probably never got to celebrate her birthday. Maybe I should discuss throwing a surprise party for her with Tirumina-san.

When I first came into this world, Fina had been the one who had helped me the most.

Yeah, that seemed like a good idea, I really should keep it in mind.

Zelef-san and Botts-san were also attending the party. The maids who had brought out the food sat down nearby and joined in on the feast, while Botts-san held a critique session with Zelef-san.

They were discussing things like the seasoning, whether the taste was strong or light, if other ingredients could be substituted into this dish, and so on.

Botts-san’s hands had healed enough that he could now somewhat use a spoon and fork again.

However, everytime he raised one to his mouth, he lightly flinched in pain. Even so, he seemed to be having fun discussing the food with Zelef-san.

It didn’t seem like he could hold and use a kitchen knife yet, though. Cooking demanded a lot of precise movements, after all.

Noa was having fun talking with Eleanora-san, who she hadn’t seen in a while, and Cliff, who had been busy lately as well.

I heard Noa ask about Shia, who was at the capital, and the conversation quickly turned from what Shia had been doing lately, to what I had been like when I acted as her guard. Why had the conversation turned to me?

Normally, wouldn’t they talk about themselves, since they hadn’t met for a long time?

After some more time passed, Noa handed Misa her present. As I began to wonder what it was, Misa unveiled a ribbon.

That was a cute present for a 10-year-old. I was glad her present was appropriate for her age. The way I looked at the two noble girls would have probably changed if she had received something expensive, like gemstones or dresses.

I had thought that it was likely to happen since they were nobles, but seeing Noa’s present made me realize my worry had been for nothing.

As I started planning the timing to give Misa my present, I noticed Fina looking at me, like she wanted to ask me if something was wrong.

Our presents to her were the cake and two plushies.

We were now at the midpoint of the party, with most of the food already gone.

Maybe it was time to bring out the cake soon?

"Misa, can I have a minute?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"Fina and I have a present for you, too."

"A present?"

"It’s a dessert, and we would be happy if you ate it."

From the Bear Box, I took out the two-layer cake Fina and I had made, and placed it right in front of Misa.

Misa seemed very curious as she had never seen cake before.

The cake was beautifully lined with strawberries, and Fina had even written “Happy Birthday” with strawberry cream in the middle.

"What a beautiful dessert."

Misa’s mother commented on the cake.

"Yes, it almost seems like a waste to eat this. Wait, how do we even eat it?"

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