Seasonal Depression at its Finest.

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Can we stop watching these cheesy romance moving pictures?

"Movies. And no. It helps me cope."

Cope with what? Lacking that much cheese and stupidity in your life?



"No. Cope with being alone and having to watch all these cute couples doing cute couple things, or families go Christmas shopping and shit."

Oh. Thaaat kind of seasonal depression.

You have us to keep you company.

"It's... Not the same as someone physically being there with you to enjoy the holidays. But thank you, Angel."

We could-

"I'm not keeping our soul out on display while we chill in the house. That's uncomfortable."

It was worth suggesting.


"So, we're going to keep watching these damned cheesy romancey-Christmasy movies until they stop running them."

Fair enough, I guess. Welp. Get some popped corn, but keep the butter off of it. Don't like it with butter...

"You are freaking disgusting-"


The butter adds a bit of taste to it, Reaper.

Does it look like I care?

"Neither of us can see you."

Bah, fine, whatever. Put your yucky butter on it.


Ew yourself!


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