"Black Box of Magic..."

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"Oh, mysterious black box of magic, what is your wisdom?"

It's a phone, you idiot.

"I know what it is, I just thought that sounded better."

You're a special one.

We've known that for how long, now?

Too long.

"Hey! Damn right I'm special."

What are you trying to look up, anyway?

"How to hide a body."

...but why?

We have not killed anyone?

(R) "We're about to! And we need to hide it from Wardy, because I don't want to face the consequences of my actions."

Stop smiling like that. Who are we killing?

(R) "Someone important to the story of this universe."

I ask again: but why?

(R) "Beeecause they hurt us? Also, why not? They'll spawn back in when the world gets reset, no biggy."

'No biggy?' I doubt the balance keeper would see it that way.

Don't get us killed, Reaper.

(R) "Re-laaax, I know what I'm doing. It'll never know it was me."

Yes, it will.

Yes, it will.

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