Yar Har Fiddle Dee Dee, Neptune's Going To Toss Himself Into The Sea

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She's doing it again.

She's flirting with the poor cabin boy that belonged to the merchant ship Kell had decided to pick off.

"You could be a siren, for all I know-" She was saying. Neptune tried to tune it out, lest he threw himself overboard and into the clutches of the actual sirens that, no doubt, waited in the calm waters below.

The cabin boy looked like he wanted to do the same, which caused the slightest bit of humor to tug his pale lips upwards. He was glad he wasn't the only one suffering.

"Sangria, we're not here t'flirt," Garret hissed from beside him.

"Aye!" Their resident half-fish squawked from where he stood, point his finger at Garret in a dramatic manner. "We're here t'plunder an' loot, not flirt."

The dark-haired man scowled at the clear mockery, and imitation.

Sangria snickered, clapping a hand over the cabin boy's shoulder. "Lighten up a little, Garret. Might 'swell have some fun while we're waitin' on the Captain."

As if on queue, a heavy pair of boots slapped the deck, and a shout from one of the other crewmembers had them all looking over.

"Captain's on the deck!"

Luscious black hair, slightly frizzy from their overseas adventures, flowed around Kell in the salty breeze. Their bleached tunic was nearly entirely undone, parts of a pale chest on show for all to see. They regarded their pirates with blackened eyes, or perhaps there weren't any eyes instead.

Then they seemed to focus on Sangria.

"Ah, what kind of treasure has caught your eye this time, Sangria?"

A firm hand curling around Neptune's upper bicep was the only thing keeping him from throwing himself into the ocean. He really wanted to see what those sirens were up to, right about now.

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