The two sisters greeted me.

"Good morning, you two. Shall we go then?"

I greeted them back and left the Bear House with them.

"Tirumina-san didn’t mind?"

"Yes, she was fine with it. She wasn’t worried since we would be with you, Big Sis Yuna."

I didn’t know if I should be happy for being trusted this much or if I should get angry at her being so irresponsible as a parent. I was kind of troubled by this.

"Sis Yuna, where are we going?"

Shuri asked with Fina in one hand and me in the other.

"We are going to commission knives at Gold-san’s place."

"Commission knives?"

She said while tilting her head.

Oh, I had never mentioned it to her.

"Fina and I got an ore named mithril the other day, so we are going to ask Gold-san to make knives from it."

I tried to explain in a way Shuri would understand.

"Why am I going too, though?"

"That’s because we will ask for a small dismantling knife that will fit your hands."

I gripped Shuri’s little hand. Gosh, it was really small.

"But you already got me one last time, Sis Yuna."

Recently, Shuri had been interested in a lot of things.

Anytime Fina came to the Bear House to dismantle monsters or animals for me, she also came along to look at the process or even help.

When we visited my shop, she grew interested in the bread and other meals that Morin-san and Anzu made, so she now sometimes visited the kitchen by herself.

On top of that, she was also making sure to study, help Tirumina-san, and even help take care of the birds at the orphanage.

She was at an age where many different things started to interest her.

So, since she was interested in dismantling, I had asked Gold-san to make my dismantling knife (which I had never used before), fit Shuri’s little hand.

I thought that making a seven-year-old girl do dismantling work was strange, but she wasn’t against it, and Tirumina-san and Gantz-san didn’t say a thing either. If we had been in Japan, I would have been scolded for giving a knife to a child, but this world was okay with children handling knives when needed.

By the way, I didn’t just let her walk around with the knife. It was stored safely in the Bear Warehouse. She only used it while helping Fina.

I had no idea what Shuri would do in the future. She might follow her father’s footsteps to become an employee of the Adventurer’s Guild and dismantle monsters there. Having a mithril knife wouldn’t be a bad idea in that case.

"This knife will be a bit different."


Shuri tilted her head again.

Hmm, even if I explained the difference to her, I doubt she would understand.

"This knife will cut better than the one you have right now."

While I did my best to explain it to Shuri, Fina suddenly entered the conversation.

"Big Sis Yuna, are you planning on having a mithril knife made for Shuri too!?"

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