About an hour and a half later my phone starts to buzz. Daniel is calling me.
"Hi handsome, what's up?" I've been completely focused on the planning, that I lost track of time.
"We're all ready to go, where are you?" I can hear he's walking around, probably looking for me.
"I was just in a meeting, but we're wrapping up. I'll meet you outside in a couple of minutes ok?" I grin, because why would I have a meeting. I don't work here.
"A meeting? Right.. ok don't be to long, we still have to drive to the school."
We end the call and I finish up writing the last things down.
I've got a list of things I have to arrange, but the people here are incredibly helpful and they reassured me that all the things I have in mind will be taken care off.

We agree that I'll be back on Wednesday to finalize everything and that should be it.
Daniel is waiting for me at the entrance with Lando.
"So you had a meeting? Are you going to tell me what it was about?" Daniel asks me when I walk up to him.
"Hi babe, yeah we had a very productive meeting and no I'm not going to tell you about it."
I burst out laughing when I see his face, but also Lando's expression tells me he has no clue why I would have a meeting with their team.

"So where are these cars you can use?" I quickly change the subject.
"They should be brought out any second now." We walk out the door and I hear the sounds of the cars coming around the corner.
Two black McLaren P1's pull up in front of us and I'm actually jealous of Pixie and Mason who will be in these cars later.
"Holy shit, these are gorgeous. And you are actually allowed to take these? That's insane." I walk up to the cars to have a closer look.
"Oi, we are professionals remember?" Lando sounds insulted.

"I know, I'm just messing with you."
The guys get into their cars and I take the car we came in. I'm being accompanied by two photographers and cameramen who will handle the photos and videos. I guess they don't think I'll be able to take good pictures. They are probably right though. I only have my phone, so that won't be the quality they will want.

We arrive at the school half an hour before it finishes. The teachers agreed to have the shutters closed so the kids can't see outside. They are supposed to be watching a movie, because otherwise there was no reason to close the shutters.
We quietly make our way inside, Pixies classroom is closest, so we go there first.

Lando knocks on the door, we wait until we hear the teacher tell us we can come in. First Lando walks in and I hear the gasps and screams from the kids in the classroom. Then Daniel also walks in and the screams get even louder.
I stand in the doorway to watch and the respons is adorable.
Pixie runs up to Daniel and jumps into his arms. He catches her with ease and Pixie shouts to her classmates, "I told you my new uncle is Daniel Ricciardo!"

"Where is my hug Pixie?" Lando asks her and Daniel puts her back down so she can run over to Lando.
"I'm a sort of uncle as well, because your aunt is my big sister now."
"Yes, I have two new uncles. I'm so lucky!" She and Lando hug and high five each other.
Only then she spots me leaning against the doorframe. "Aunt Sky!"
"Hi Pix, how about a surprise huh?" She quickly comes for a cuddle, but then the class gets the chance to ask Daniel and Lando some questions.
She climbs on Daniels lap who got a chair as well as Lando. It's adorable to see how much she already feels comfortable with Daniel and also how natural Daniel has taken on his role of uncle. He already is an uncle for his own niece and nephew, but the way he is with Pixie seems like he has been around for years.

After about ten minutes we have to move to Masons class, so Lando tells Pixie to get her stuff, because she has to show the way to her brother.
I've never seen her pack her things this fast, but she is ecstatic and curious to see what's next.
We find our way to Masons class and now Daniel goes in first.
"Uncle Daniel!!" I hear Masons little voice. He has also fully accepted Daniel in the family.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now