"Wait what?" I hardly hear what he is saying.
"We feel so guilty that Shane put you through such misery. We should have known, we've known him for years, but we never realized how troubled he was." I hear John's voice besides me.
"You're not mad at me?" I ask when Kevin finally lets go of me.
"What? No! Why would we be mad at you? We've read the police reports, we know what happened. It wasn't your fault." Hearing Kevin say that makes me feel like I can breathe again.

"I thought you guys would feel the same as his parents. They obviously blame me for it." I pick up my glass and see my hand is still a bit shaky.
"His parents are blinded by their love for him. They don't want to believe he would be capable of doing something like that. We didn't believe it at first either. He convinced us that you were the one who was stalking him and everything. His parents still believe those lies." John explains and I understand it all a lot more now.

"Oh wow, damn I feel so relieved. I was really scared when you came over here." I admit and they both smile.
"Don't be, trust me, we are good ok." They both give me another hug and I introduce them to Daniel.

"You make her happy, we can tell. Keep it up, she's a keeper." Kevin tells Daniel and he nods. "I already know that and I have every intention of keeping her." After a short talk they turn around to go set everything up.
"Oh and we expect you to do a song or two with us!" They shout back at me.
"I don't know about that. That would be weird right?" I can't really go on stage with the band my dead ex used to be a part off.

I can see they have a new band member. I haven't heard them play since the first time I met Shane, so it feels very strange. But they are still good, so after a while I just try to ignore it and enjoy the music.
Daniel and I dance together and me and the girls do as well. So we do really have fun.
After a while I have to go to the bathroom so I excuse myself and head there.

When I come out of the stall, I wash my hands and then open the door to go back to the party when suddenly somebody pulls my arm and throws me against the wall.
I'm completely taken by surprise, but then I see who grabbed me and it's Shane's father.
"You fucking whore. Having fun huh, while you are the reason my boy is gone." He is so close to my face I can smell his breath and it reeks of alcohol.

"Keep your hands off me. I know you are in pain, but I am not the reason he is dead." I have my jaw clenched, he scared me for a second, but now I'm just mad.
"Don't play innocent. First you get my boy killed and then you go be some famous drivers slut." He is definitely out of his mind with rage and grief, so I start to get a bit nervous.
"Leave me alone, you don't get to call me names. Shane and I were over way before he attacked me."

"You don't deserve to live your life as if nothing happened." He spits the words in my face.
"As if nothing happened? I have the scar to remind me every day about what your son did to me. He tried to kill me remember." I look over his shoulder, but the hallway is still empty and all I hear is the music on the other side of the wall.

"Well you should have just left him alone. Let him live his life without you." His eyes turn almost black when he whispers in my ear.
"You know that is not how it went. You might not believe me, but the police has everything documented and I know you've read those reports. He should have left me alone. Just like you should do right now." I try to push him away from me so I can get back inside.

With force he pushes me back against the wall and I feel the air being forced out of my lungs.
"AU! What the hell! Let me go right now!" I yell when I get some air back.
"Why would I? Just like you let Shane go right?" He's definitely blind for the truth, I can't blame him as Shane had been feeding him the lies.
"Look you won't believe me, fine! But you're not going to hurt me, I won't let you. So you might as well let me go now." I try again, because I really don't want to have to fight him.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang