Chapter 55- Katsuki's sulking

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*Midorya's POV*

After finding that note yesterday y/n-san has been asking more questions about where we were from, and how each of our quirks worked "The fuck, your starting to talk like Deku when he we were in fucking our junior years.." Kachan yelled a bit as he pointed at me. I jumped a bit and then stared at their direction, y/n rubbed the back of their neck and then laughed a bit "hah, yeah guess that I just wanted to learn more about your life, world, I was just interested in what it was like." y/n said as they glanced at me a bit and then smiled and walked away. Kachan watched as y/n walked into their room and then looked at me with a scary expression on his face and then started walking towards me, "What the hell was that Deku?" I took a step back and then put my hands up in front of me to defend myself, "I didn't do anything, I swear Kachan! I wouldn't!" He just stared at me for a moment and then huffed as he turned away and walked down the hallway into the bathroom. I looked over at Kirishima and Kaminari who were just sitting on the couch, I sighed and then sat down next to Kaminari. Kaminari looked at Kirishima and then looked at me, "Wha- What was that all about Midoriya? Why is Kachan so angry at you?" Kaminari asked me as he smiled confused. I looked away and then rubbed the back of my neck, I shook my head as I looked back to them again. "I honestly don't know what's going on with them.." I said as I sighed and smiled. Kirishima looked at me contently and then squinted at me, "What do you mean 'Them' Midoriya?" He asked as he sat up straight. I looked at him confused and then realized what I had said, "Oh, um I didn't mean to say, 'They' I just meant.." Kirishima stared at me for another moment, and then stood up, "I'm going to check up on my partners.." He said as he walked away into the living room and then disappeared down the hallway.

*Y/N's POV*

I sat down beside my bed with a book to read, I hummed as I read and flipped the pages. I heard someone walking down the hallway, I heard someone jiggling the handle of the bathroom door from outside of the door and then Kirishima, "Katsuki?" I heard him ask. And then silence, he then opened my bedroom door and then looked at me right beside the bed, "are you having trouble getting Katsu out the bathroom?" I asked as I peered behind him at the bathroom. I then smiled and book marked my book as I put it down, I stood up and then I stood up and walked over towards Kirishima, "Are you ok? I-I mean is there something on your mind?" Kirishima asked me as I stopped in front of him. I looked at him and then hummed, "I'll see what's up with Katsuki, he might be sulking in the bathroom again." I giggled a bit and then walked past Kirishima and then walked up to the bathroom door, I knocked onto the door with my pointer finger and then waited for a knock back. I sighed as I was about to walk back into the bedroom until I heard a click and then two more knocks from the other side of the door, I smiled and then opened the door just a bit to slip into the bathroom with him. I sat down against the cupboard under the sink right across from him, I smiled as I looked at him. "Is this going to be a regular thing that you do when you get upset with someone or yourself?" I asked him teasingly. He scoffed and then looked up at me, making eye contact, "What do you want y/n?" He asked and then rested his head against the wall. I softened my smile and then moved over to sit next to him, "I just wanted to make sure you were ok, and what was going on.." I said as I kept my eyes on him. He looked back at me and then shook his head as he smiled a bit, "I'm ok, but you know, you are acting different, ever since yesterday when we got back and.." He continued to stare at me and then the smile disappeared, I sat up to fix my posture while still looking at him "Deku didn't do anything, right?" He said with the same expression on his face. I looked at him and laughed a bit and held up my hair to get it off from my face, I looked back at him and shook my head, "you know I only have feelings for you and Eijirou right? You know you two are the ones that I want to be with the most?" I paused and then looked at the door, "So, no fucking no Katsuki nothing 'Happened' I love you damn.." I looked down and covered my face as I heard the bathroom door open a bit. I then hear Kirishima shuffle and then sit down against the sink and close the door.

After a bit I went out of the bathroom and went back into the bedroom, I laid back down on the bed and sighed. I held my hand out in front of me and then started thinking again, 'What triggers the quirk? Can I learn how to control it somehow? Could I..' I saw a small spark on the tip of one of my fingers as soon as the thought was going through my mind. I pulled my hand down and closed my hand close to my chest 'Could I send them home?' I thought as I grabbed a hold of the necklace around my neck and then opened it in front of me looking at the pictures of Kirishima and Katsuki. I smiled at the smiling picture of Kirishima, and the calm Katsuki right next to him. I hummed and then closed it and placed it down carefully back onto my chest. I heard my bedroom door close and then the spot next to me on the bed sunk, I looked over to see Kirishima smiling at me, I smiled back and then turned myself over and rubbed my nose on his, "you alright pebble?" Kirishima asked as he scooted closer to me and held me close. I gave him a nod and then clung onto him, I rested my head on his chest "I love you guys so much.." I mumbled and then yawned. Kirishima nodded and then kissed the top of my head, "And I really want all four of you to stay forever.." I mumbled more as I held onto him more. He rubbed my back and then chuckled a bit, he moved back a bit to then looked down at me. "Well, it doesn't really look like we have a way back just yet, and I don't plan on leaving you anytime soon." He said happily and nuzzled me. 'Right'

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