Chapter 25- Bad Memories

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 Walking into work I walk straight to the back to get changed into my uniform seeing that I was already late to work, I walk out to get started on orders. I walk up to my section of the cafe, seeing that there were already other maids today at the cafe, I walk up to a table with a young man with blonde hair and green eyes. "Hello master, what can I get for you today." He looks up and makes eye contact with me and smiles, "I'll just have a Latte please" I nod and give him a wide smile "Alrighty then! I'll have your latte out in a jiffy!" I turn around and walk to the counter and put in his order. I then walked over to another table in my section to get another order out but when I got close to the table I saw someone at the table I recognized, the same man from before, I stopped right in my tracks and took a step back. 'Why is he here again, how did he know..' I sigh and walk back to the counter to get the latte "y/n? Are you feeling well, you're pale" I grabbed the latte and looked up, then looked back at the table "Can you get someone to serve him?" I said pointing to the other table, "I get that it's in my section but.."

 She looked over to the table and then nodded "I got it, I'll get another maid to serve him y/n." She smiled at me, I smiled back and then brought the latte to the young man "sorry for a bit of a wait, is there anything else you would like master?" He smiles and then takes a sip of his drink. He blushes a bit and then makes eye contact with me, "Maybe your number?" I smile a bit awkwardly and then bow a bit. "Sorry but, I don't really like giving personal information like that to customers." He smiles and then takes another sip "Sorry maid?" I pick my head up "y/n, Maid y/n" I replied as quickly as I could "Sorry for making you feel uncomfortable maid y/n" I sigh and then look at the door. "It's fine, would you like anything else?" He shakes his head and then smiles, I bow my head, "Alright I'll get your bill for you." I say and then walk to the counter to grab his bill. I then hear a loud slam from behind me. I quickly turn around on instinct to see the old man from before, standing up towering over and glaring at another maid. I start to walk towards the man as the younger man, from before, stands up and walks over to the table. "Hey man! Don't be so hostile towards them!" I flinched as he yelled and stepped back. "What do you mean? I haven't even touched her yet-" I grit my teeth as the words came out of his mouth, until the younger man punched him, stopping him from speaking any further. "You can't treat others like their toys you sicko! That's disgusting behavior!" He then proceeds to punch him again, allowing the other maid to get away. I pulled her aside, she was a newer maid, her name was Nova. "Hey Nova, you alright?" She was trembling and nodding her head, "I'm fine, that man is just.. unsettling.." I nodded my head in agreement, 'I know what it's like. I am the reason she was-' I then feel her hugging me and crying.                                                                                                             I just stand there blankly, I turn my head right in time to see The young man knock the other out and then drop to the floor. 'Now they're both knocked out, greeeaaatt.'

 I walk Nova to the back to get dressed out of the uniform and to head home, I look over to her, as I put my hoodie on and sigh "Would you like me to walk you home Nova?" She looks over to me and smiles. She gets up and walks over to me. "Please, I don't know if I'll be able to walk alone right now." I smile back and then nod in agreement "of course, I wouldn't mind." I pull my shoes on and open the back door, "We can leave out the back door today, let's go." I hold the door open for her to walk out and then I follow her out of the door. We headed in the direction towards her house and talked, we talked about life and how each other were after what happened at work. I dropped her off at her house and waited until she closed the door to start walking back to the apartment. When I started walking towards home I kept feeling like someone was following me, I kept looking back to see no one but always felt like someone was there, I just kept walking faster and when I reached the door to the apartment I made sure the door was closed fully, before I walked up to my door and unlocked the door. 'Finally.. I'm home, Safe'

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