Chapter 47- Haunted House

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  As I sat up in bed, I looked over at my alarm clock to see that it was well past noon. I cursed under my breath as I threw my bedding aside and rushed out of the room to be hit with the smell of food, I walked down the hallway as I let out a groan. I looked into the kitchen to see Kirishima cooking with a focused face. I smiled and leaned up against the entrance wall of the kitchen. I stood there until he reached for something and then looked up to see me, he smiled and then continued to work on the food he was making. I pushed off the wall and then walked towards him and looked over his shoulder "good afternoon y/n" I smiled and then put my head against his shoulder "what are you making Kiri?" he smiled and then looked over at me "I'm making my favorite dish, Bakudan" I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked at the dish, "your favorite dish?" I asked looking back over at him. He nodded his head and then went back to cooking, "could I try some?" I asked. He nodded happily and kissed the top of my head, "I'm almost done making it, I'll make sure to make a serving for you." I hummed and then I walked out of the kitchen into the living room with Izuku and Kaminari on the couch, I looked over at the dinning table to see the pumpkins that we carved a couple of days prior. I sat on the couch next to Izuku at the end of the couch, "Where's Kats?" I said as I looked over at Izuku who was watching some kind of show on the TV with Kaminari. He looked over making eye contact with me, "oh, Kachan went out for a run a bit ago, though I don't know where exactly he might have gone." I sighed and then looked over at the TV.

 After a bit Kirishima came out of the kitchen with two bowls and placed then down onto the dining table, "hey y/n do you have chopsticks by any chance?" I looked over and shook my head "no, I don't believe I have any chopsticks" I got up and walked past him into the kitchen and then dug through the utensils drawer. I then hear the front door open and close, "hi Kachan, how was your run?" I heard Izuku say followed by a plastic bag and then a grumpy Katsuki walk down the hallway, I looked over to see him walking past the kitchen. I closed the drawer and then walked out of the kitchen and then into the living room, "What did he bring home? Heard a plastic bag." I said as I looked over at Kirishima who was holding what I can guess was what Katsuki brought home. Kirishima opened the bag and pulled out ramen bowls and some chopsticks. "Oh, I guess he when he realized I was making Bakudan he went out for chopsticks." He took out two pairs of chopsticks and handed one of them to me and then placed the bag down and broke apart his chopsticks and pulled out a chair for me to sit and then sat down in another chair next to me. I broke the chopsticks apart and then stared for a bit. I looked over at Kirishima as he ate his Bakudan, he looked over at me and gestured to my bowl. "Are you going to eat yours" I smiled and then looked back down at the chopsticks, "yeah, but uhm I don't really know how to use.. Chopsticks" Kirishima smiled and chuckled a bit, "here Hun, let me show you"

 After Kirishima and I ate there was some talk about going to a haunted house since it was already around 2, I was up for it and so were the other three. I went into the room to invite Katsuki along, he was sitting against the bed and looking through a book from off my shelf. "Hey Kats, do you want to come along to a haunted house?" He looks up at me and nodded "yeah sure, are we going now? or later?" I look at the time on my phone and then back to him "yeah we're probably heading to one soon." I said as I put my phone back into my pocket. He looked me up and down as he stood up, "though if we were going out you might want to change out of your pjs babe." He said as he walked over to me and kissed the top of my head. I rolled my eyes and pushed him out of the room and closed the door. I put on some pants and then grabbed a random hood from off the floor and changed into it. Before I left the room I grabbed the book that he left on the floor and placed it onto the bookshelf where it belonged. I smiled and then turned around and walked out of the room.

 We found a haunted house that we wanted to try. It wasn't all that expensive, which was a bit of relief on my end since I was really the one paying, as we walked in the room was dim I could barely see anything the further down we walked. I cling to Katsuki's sleeve as I was trying to get my eyes to adjust to the darkness, "What? Scared of the dark y/n?" Katsuki teased. I clicked my tongue and then nudged him in the side a bit, "you can fuck off Katsuki, I just don't want to get separated while still adjusting to the dark." I said as I sighed. I could slightly see Kirishima and Kaminari in the front leading us through the dark with Izuku just in front of us. I was just about ready to let go of Katsuki when a clown came out from a corner and screamed. I tumbled back into another room, Katsuki caught me before I could fall on my ass but he was then pushed into the room probably by the clown, then the door slammed shut. Katsuki fell on top of me when he was pushed in, I started to breathe heavily. He noticed and got off of me and then helped me off the floor and held me close, "Oi calm the fuck down its just an actor." I sighed and then heard Kirishima and Kaminari scream. He let go of me as I looked around the room the clown had pushed us in, there was blood dripping down on the walls, with a few knives placed around and a doorway out of the room. I looked down at the floor as my eyes had finally adjusted to the darkness walking towards the doorway, "common Kats, there's a doorway over here and it might be the way out." he followed after me and held my hand as he got to my side. "Clinging on Katsuki?" I said teasingly as I looked up at him, he stopped and looked back at me "I will let go." I tightened my grip on his hand as I shook my head and continued to walk through the haunted house.

 There were a few more jump scares from scare actors causing me to stay even closer to Katsuki and at one point I accidentally punched one in the face. I apologize over and over as Katsuki laughed his ass off, witch Kirishima and the other two heard and found us, Kirishima hugged me tight and held my other hand through the rest of the haunted house. When we got out of the haunted house I made sure to pay an extra ten dollars before we left, "aren't you tight on money y/n?" I heard Kaminari ask as we walked back "yeah but, I feel a bit bad for punching that scare actor" I heard Katsuki chuckle a bit and shook his head, "you were scared, it probably happens a lot y/n you don't have to worry about it" Kirishima reassured me as he rubbed my back a bit. "Honestly, I just want to go home now it's a bit late." Kirishima smiled and then stopped, "do you want me to give you a piggyback ride back home?" I rubbed the back of my neck and then nodded, he lifted me onto his back and he carried me back to the apartment. 

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