Chapter 54- The Note From That Night

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 I sat back on the couch and sighed, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Katsuki went out to do something together, I didn't really pay attention when they were telling me that they were leaving, so that left me home alone with Izuku. He took up the decision to clean the apartment a bit while the others were gone, I helped a little, well I cleaned my room and helped a little with the kitchen. While I was chilling on the couch scrolling through my phone I heard Izuku walking around the apartment and then heard him stop, "Hey y/n-san, I found a piece of paper in your pocket, is it important?" I heard him say. I looked up to see him holding the folded note that I found on the kitchen counter the night I saw those flashes, I held out my hand for him to give it to me as he walked over to me and placed it into my hand. "I dunno, I haven't looked at it yet, thank you for telling me about it." I said as I slowly started to open the paper note. Izuku smiled and gave me a quick nod as he started off to the other clothes, I unfolded the paper that had very little writing in the inside, I looked at it closer and then clenched onto the paper when I saw what it said "They don't belong here with you, and that quirk you have doesn't belong to you. Those flashes aren't just flashes there portals..." I said quietly so that Izuku couldn't hear. I clenched it in my hand and then balled it up, 'Shit, is that what he meant? 'How are you doing that?' am- do I have a..' I then felt someone's hand on my shoulder, I was taken out of my trance, I looked over to see a concerned Izuku, "Hey are you alright?" Izuku said as he tilted his head. I smiled and then looked away again, I nodded and then thought for a second, "Hey I have a question Izuku." I asked as I looked at the balled up paper in my palm. He smiled and gave me a nod as he took his hand off my shoulder, I looked back at him and then asked "I was wondering, what does it feel like to have a quirk, I mean, well how do you know you have one?" Izuku looked at me and then looked away a little puzzled.

 "Well, I guess it depends on what kind of quirk you have based on how it feels, and how you would know, I guess when Kachan got his he accidentally set off explosions when he was four that's how he figured out his." he brought his hand s together and stared off into space, "I guess it's different for everyone.." he said with a little smile. I smiled a bit as well and then glanced around, "how'd your quirk show up?" I asked not really expecting a response. "Well, mine was a bit different I guess, I didn't get my quirk until I was 15.." I picked up my head a bit and then looked over at him, "that's, not normal?" I was a bit confused. He looked at me with a small smile and shook his head, "No, normally children receive their quirks around the ages of 2 to 5." he said a bit with sad eyes. I smiled and brought my legs up on the couch and I hugged them close to myself, "your world sounds so much more interesting than mine, I mean you have cool powers, heroes, villains, it sounds like something out of a fairytale book.. " I said as I hummed and cracked my neck. Izuku looked at me and gave me an unsure look, "I mean, I could tell you more about quirks and really anything I know of from our world if you wanted to know more." he said as he stood up grabbing a book from the coffee table. I gave him a small nod and then let go of my legs, "yeah that would be cool if you could tell me more about your world." Izuku gave me a nod as well and turned around, "Alright, then let me make us some drinks and then I could tell you more about it." He said with a bit of excitement in his voice. I just gave him another nod and then laid back more into the couch.

 When Izuku told me a lot about quirks and as well Heroes, actually he probably told me more about heroes then any other subject that we were talking about. He was really enthusiastic about the heroes especially one that was referred as 'All Might' he pointed out that Katsuki quite admired him quite a bit especially when they were younger and in Middle school. "So, what was, All Might's quirk?" I asked as I took a sip of my drink. I watched as Izuku was thinking, I moved my head a bit and chuckled, "what? Can't remember the quirk of your favorite hero?" I asked, teasing him a bit, Izuku looked at me and smiled, "No, sorry I was just thinking of something else, his quirk is basically.. Super strength, my quirk is kinda similar to his.." he said quietly. I looked away and took another sip of my drink, "I guess I never thought to ask what are your guys quirks?" I asked. Izuku smiled and then took a sip of his drink, "Well, Kachans is explosion, witch I feel you already know, Kaminari is electricity, basically he can released electricity from his hands, Kirishima is hardening, he can make any part of his body hard." I giggled a bit after Izuku explained Kirishima's quirk and then sighed. "All of you are heroes in training too?" I scoffed in disbelief, "all of you are so strong and live in such an interesting world, a lot more interesting than my life.." I said with a smile on my face. He looked at me and put his cup down, "y/n what was on that paper?" he asked me and continued to stare at me. I looked at him to make eye contact and bit my bottom lip, "Please don't lie, something is obviously bothering you since you read that note.." he said as he followed my eyes. I looked away and picked up the balled up paper, and then I opened it to read it again and again, "it's really nothing to worry about Izuku, it's.." I stopped before I could say anything more, he then took the paper from my hand and then read it quickly before I could take it back. Izuku's eyes grew a bit and then he looked back over at me, I looked away and then took the paper away, "y/n you have quirk?" he asked me with confusion. I shook my head and then proceeded to ball up the paper again, "No- I mean, I never experienced anything with a quirk so I wouldn't know, I mean I'm not even from your world how would I have one?" I stopped after I heard the voices of the others coming down the hallway. I looked over at Izuku as I stuffed the paper in my pocket, "I won't tell them, but you have to promise to at some point, especially Kirishima and Kachan, they are your partners." he said as he stood up with his cup. I gave him a nod as he turned away and walked to the dining table, I just sighed and then took my cup and sat back further into the couch, 'Shit, what have I gotten myself into.'

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