Chapter 12- Walk and Talk Home

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 Walking home I look to Bakugou "do you feel like telling me now?" He looks at me then looks away. I sigh and open one of the bags and take out an apple and hand it to Bakugou, he looks at the apple then makes eye contact with me "No thanks" then looks away "You have been eating spicy shit all day, eat a damn fruit." He groans, snatches the apple from my hand and bites into the apple. I smile "Do you celebrate Christmas where you're from?" He looks at me and rolls his eyes "yea, of course we do. Why?" "Well Christmas is in a few days and I bought some presents for everyone." He looks ahead and then takes another bite. "It's getting late, we should probably hurry to the apartment." I nod in agreement. "You still owe me a story about what happened in the store with that poor store clerk."

 He nods and looks to me "Yea that only happened because someone wasn't where they said they would be." I scoffed "You can't blame me! You were the one who almost exploded the whole damn store!" He shakes his head "My explosions weren't even that big!" I laugh "You still owe a story no excuses, I wish for your response before we get home." He looks at me "I also need an explanation as well, don't forget about that." I look down and sigh "You first" I say with a smile. He sighs and slows down a bit. "I went to the food section looking for you when I was done looking for clothes and when I saw you weren't there my palms started to get sweaty-" I looked at him "Were you scared?" I say chuckling, he just glares at me "ehe, sorry continue.."

 "As I was saying, sense I can't really control my quirk that well my hands started to make little explosions and when I noticed I was being stared at by the extra-" "Store cleric" I corrected "When I noticed I was being stared at, my quirk escalated and it made a bigger explosion and it scared him and then-" I sighed "Then you started to yell at the poor guy, then your explosions got worse and then I showed up and pulled you out of the store."

 He looked at me then looked away. 'I can't tell if he's blushing or it's just the cold, but his face is really pink' I smile and then look up at the sky "It was a skirt wasn't it" He says out of the blue I look down at my feet "Yea.. it was." I responded, He looked towards me "So, does that have anything to do with what happened?" I nod my head, I could feel tears starting to form in the rim of my eyes. Bakugou stops walking and I look back at him "Why'd you stop" I turned around he pulls me into a hug "I don't like hugging people but you need one, don't fucking cry, k?" I laughed at his response and wiped my eyes "we need to get back to the apartment" I smiled and he released me, we resumed walking back to the apartment.

*Bakugou's POV*

 When I asked about the skirt again y/n said that it was a skirt that they were wearing. I noticed that their (E/C)eyes were gleaming and they were about to cry. I stopped and they looked back at me "Why'd you stop?" I clenched my fists 'I cant believe I'm about to fucking do this." I pulled y/n into me and and hugged them "I don't like hugging people but you need one, don't fucking cry, k?" y/n chuckled a bit and wiped their eyes,"we need to get back to the apartment" They said and smiled. I let them go and we started to walk back to the apartment.

(647 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓼)

Met You In My World [KiriBaku x Reader] (Book 1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя