Chapter 33- Boys at the Café

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  God I wish I could have stayed home today, but nonetheless my rent was due soon so I needed to go in today to be able to pay. I haven't seen or heard from Nova at all since the night she called me, 'Damn I wonder where Nova is... she didn't quit did she?' I set down the plate of pastries down on a table and stood up straight, "Will that be all?" I say with a smile. The young man that was sitting at the table looked up and smiled back, "No, thank you though." I give him a small nod and then turn around walking back to the counter and picked up another tray of sweets 'Today has been slow though, not a lot of customers' I turn around and burping into another maid, "Oh crap, sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going!" I looked up to see Nova, "Oh, Nova it's you. Crap, I'm really sorry." She smiled awkwardly and put her hands in front of her "No, no, it's alright I wasn't paying attention." She lowered her hands. She looks at the plate of sweets in my hands and goes to take it, "These are the sweets for my section." She says as she took the plate out of my hands I looked at the name on it and saw that her name was on it. I let out a sigh and then dropped my head a bit, "yea, I guess I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing.." Nova let out  a small laugh and then turned around going to her table section.

 I hear the small jingle coming from the door of the café, I turn around walking over to the front door to see Katsuki, 'Shit-' I stop in my tracks, blink a few times and then continue walking up to the front door. Katsuki looked over a bit surprised to see me, then making a little smirk, following behind him was Kirishima, Kaminari, and Izuku. 'Well damn, this should be interesting' I walked up to the group of boys and gave a smile, "Welcome back master Kaminari, and welcome to your friends as well." Katsuki shot daggers through Kaminari as terror fell onto Kaminaris face. I held out my clipboard for Katsuki to take "All new guests need to give there maids their names" Katsuki took the board writing his name then giving it to Kirishima, then kirishima signed his name and gave it to Izuku and when when he was done signing his name he handed the board back to me. I looked over the board and then turned, "Alrighty let me sit all of you down" I walked to a booth giving them menus, Kaminari stopped me before I could walk away "Hey maid y/n, may I have what I had the last time I was here?" I hummed turning back around "Sure thing Master Kaminari, I'll make sure to get that out as soon as i can" I walked away up to the counter and put in the order for Kaminari, I turned around and leaned against the counter, 'I wonder why they're here.' I turned around hearing the bell coming from the counter and pick up Kaminari's drink "thank you" I pick up the drink and bring it to their table, I place it down on they're table in front of Kaminari "There you go master Kaminari, is there anything else I get you?" Bakugou look's up and the bridge of his nose turns pink "I-I'll uh, I'll get an iced caramel macchiato ,thanks." he looks back at kirishima.

 I smiled and then looked over to Kirishima as well "what about you, master Kirishima" I picked up and looked at my board. "and master Midoriya" Kirishima pointed over to Katsuki and smiled, "same as Bakugou, please" I gave him a nod and then looked over to Izuku, he adjusted his poster "Just a mocha please." I hummed and then turned back around walking back to the counter. I placed the order for Kirishima, Katsuki, and Izuku, waiting for the order, I watched them at their booth and smiled as I saw Kaminari teasing Katsuki about something, 'he's probably just teasing him about him blushing' I thought as I laughed. I heard the bell ring and then my manager "what's so funny y/n?" I jumped a bit and then refocused my attention to the counter looking at my manager, "oh, I'm just laughing at my roommates over in the booth." I said pointing towards the guys. Her eye's followed my finger and smiled, "Wow y/n, you live with some cuties huh? In that small apartment too?" I looked towards her and then dropped my head. "Yeah, though it can be very loud." I then picked up the food tray and put on a smile "especially with Katsuki, he's the loudest one." I turned around as I heard my manager start to giggle, I walked over to their booth and placed their drinks in front of them. "Do you need anything else, Masters?" I got a no from all of the guys, so with a smile I gave a quick bow then walked away.

  After my shift was done I got changed and waited by the door as I watched the guys walk up to the front door, I held the door open for them and then waved to my manager "Have a good night ma'am!" She looked over from the counter and smiled as she waved me goodbye "You too y/n!". I walked out following the guys and then started walking towards home with them. Katsuki looked over at me and sighed "Hey y/n, do you.." I made eye contact with him as he paused in the middle of his sentence. He groaned as he shook his head "never mind, forget about it.." I raised an eyebrow and hummed, "don't go doing that shit with me, what's wrong Kats?" He slanted his eyes and shook his head. "I said forget about it, it's honestly nothing." I looked forward and an annoyed noise, "fine, be an ass. We'll talk about it later then." I walk a bit faster to walk beside Kirishima. 'I wonder what's up with him..'

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