Chapter 28- What the Hell was That

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  I woke up in the middle of the night to a loud noise coming from my kitchen. I sat up and looked around to see that Kirishima and Katsuki were gone. "Kat? Kiris?" I mumbled out a bit but with no response, I then heard another loud noise coming from the kitchen. I jumped at the noise and squinted trying to see around the room, I got out of bed and then walked out of my room. I look around the apartment to see nothing and no one. I started to shake a bit and walk further out when a pan was thrown out of the kitchen, I held my breath and stepped back 'What the hell, that wasn't one of the guys, was it?' I walked forward and looked into the kitchen to see a black figure, I tried to move back but had trouble doing so. I couldn't move,   I couldn't run back into the room I was stuck there, it was like I was paralyzed. I started to breathe heavily trying to move away but I couldn't. I was stuck. And that's when the black figure started to turn around, my body wanted to run but it couldn't. As soon as the black figure turned around my heart dropped, the figure in front of me was the same man that was in the cafe, it was the same man that made me be sent home that day, it was the same man who actually touched a maid in the cafe, it was the same man that I thought was following me home.   I couldn't yell, I couldn't scream, I couldn't run, all I could was stand there in fear staring at the last person I wanted to see in my house. I glanced around trying to find Katsuki, trying to find reassurance, but I couldn't see anyone else, just the middle aged man that had the same intoxicated look and smell as before.

  Then he started to walk towards me, as he got closer the stronger the alcohol smell got, I could feel the tears running down my cheeks, my legs trembling. The man stood right in front of me and smiled a wicked smile, I tried to open my mouth to say something, but nothing, I couldn't say anything. He put his hand on my cheek and I flinched but I couldn't stop him. He brought his face close to mine and I closed my eyes, then screamed. I opened my eyes to see black, nothing, an empty room I sigh and dart my eyes around with tears filling my eyes "Hello? Is anyone-?" I then feel someone embrace me "you're safe, you're fine.." It sounded like Katsuki, I turned around to see no one. I stepped back and let out a shaky sigh "What the hell.." I stepped back again and then felt myself falling, I felt myself relax and then started to hear voices (..Why would they both love you..) (..You don't deserve their love.!) ( should go back to ##!) "Where?" I said in response to the last voice, but as a response all I heard was static, that kept getting louder and louder and louder, I closed my eyes and grit my teeth "Stop- Stop! STOP!"

  I spring up in bed breathing heavily and with tears running down my face, I put my arms over my head and close my eyes rocking back and forth until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I looked over my shoulder to see Kirishima who looked worried "Hey- y/n are you ok?" I inhaled and started to cry more. I turned around and hugged Kirishima crying into his chest. He was shocked a bit but softened his stance and rubbed my upper back. He kissed the top of my head and rocked me back and forth "what's got you so worked up hun?" I rolled my lips and let out a shaky exhale. "I had a really bad dream.." He hugged me tighter and stopped rocking me, "Aw honey, I'm so sorry.." I felt the bed move and then heard "What the hell?"  a sleepy Katsuki mumbled out. He sat up and looked at me confused. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "I had a bad dream asshole." He rubbed his eyes and yawned. He hugged me from the side and kissed my cheek, "well you're all right now." he mumbled. I smile and sigh "Thank you.." Kirishima gave me a sleepy smile and then moved back "How about we go to bed, and I'll make sure to protect you, k?" I smiled and nodded my head and laid my head down on his chest, with Katsuki laying right next to me.

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