Chapter 1- What is a qurk?

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*(Y/N)s POV*

'Damn- I knew it wasn't a good idea to walk outside when it's this cold outside..' "I should get inside" I say, shivering and walking towards the front door, I see a person with crimson red hair laying down in the snow in the corner of my right eye, 'Wait is there someone in the snow!?' I rush to see two guy's laying in the snow "Holy crap! How long have they been out here!?" I keeled in front of one of them and started shaking them to try and wake them up, "God you're out cold.." I sat in front of them trying to think of what I could do. 'Fuck am I ganna have to bring you into my apartment, aren't I?' I struggle to pick up the crimson boy, 'God how much do you way?'I somehow managed to drag him into the apartment and go outside to get the ash blonde.

I finally got both of them into the apartment, 'Thank fucking god.' I look through the closet for some blankets to put on them so they don't freeze to death.I put a blanket on each of them and then got to sit down at my somewhat dining table. "I have two guys in my apartment- I have two MEN in my apartment.." I look over to see if maybe one of them has woken up. But at last they haven't. I shrug, get up, and head to my bedroom to sleep. I was too cold and too tired to care about anything else..

Time skip next morning

*Kirishima's POV*

I woke up in a apartment complex I didn't recognized and Bakugou was on the floor with a blanket on him, I got up and looked around the apartment, I heard a sound coming from one of the rooms and I got up and knocked on the door, "uhm I'm sorry but is someone in here?" I say standing outside the door, and then I hear a voice "hold on stay in the living room I'll be out in a bit" I walked away from the door and went back to the living room.

I waited for a few minutes until I heard someone walking in the living room, "do you mind telling me who you are and why I'm here?" I asked the person that sat down at a table, they turned around "Well first my name is Y/N, and second, why don't you tell me why you were out in the snow last night?" I was a little confused because I didn't remember being outside in the snow. "I don't remember being in the snow. The last thing that I remember is that me and Bakugou were fighting a Villain and-" Before I could finish they started to laugh, "What kind of world did you come from? Villan's?" I look at her in disbelief "yea- but I'm pretty sure we got hit with a quirk and-"

*(Y/N) POV*

The crimson haired boy brought up something called a quirk?? "I'm sorry but what's a quirk?" He looks at me in disbelief. I'm a little confused on why, he proceeds to tell me "I guess a quirk is kinda like a super power, and me and Bakugou, from what I can guess, got hit by one it seems." He tells me, but that doesn't answer why he was in the snow, "so then why were you in the snow outside the apartment?" He looks at me "the quirk probably sent us here."

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