Chapter 9- Explosions

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*3erd POV*

*BOOM* That's all that (y/n) hears from outside of the bathroom door, and then running from their room which (y/n) assumed it was Kirishima that was running into the living room. (y/n) sat up and listened and was worried when they were met with silence. They got up, out of the bathtub, drained the water, dried themselves off, got dressed and then headed out of the bathroom to check up on guys.

*(Y/N)s POV*

Putting my clothes on as fast as I could,Then walking into the living room. I was met with a concerned and surprised Bakugou and Kirishima, "What the hell happened?" then looking at my TV that was broken "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?!" I rase my voice louder when I see that my TV was not only broken it had a fucking hole on the side that looked bernt, it even looked like there was a Minnie explosion right in that exact spot. I look at Bakugou but he just stands there looking down and then I direct my attention to Kirishima who looked at me when I raised my voice a bit louder, he just had a look of disbelief he had no idea what to say or do. I walked over to my TV and touched the hole it was still hot an- "why the hell does it smell like burnt caramel in here?" Kirishima looked at me and then Bakugou, I looked over to Bakugou and he's just staring at me and wasn't saying anything.
  I stood up as I reagusted my poster and grabbed both of the back of their shirts and dragged them to the couch, sat them down and crossed my arms. "We're not doing anything else tonight untill I get a answer about my fucking TV and-" I sniff again "and where the hell the burnt caramel smell is coming from" It wasn't the plesente of smells but it was better than just a burning smel- "I'm the burnt caramel" Bakugou snapped at me. "You? You're telling me you're the one who smells like burnt sugar" "do I need to repeat myself?" He snapped back. I stepped back "Well I'm sorry, it's just kind of weird because, I know I don't have any caramel in my house." Kirishima looked at me and gave me an awkward smile "Ehe, did you know that nitroglycerin smells kind of like caramel..?" I stare at him 'can't nitroglycerin be dangerous for humans? That doesn't make sense.' Bakugou looks towards me, "That's my sweat, It's typically what makes my quirk work, I could make explosions from my palms." I turned my head so quickly I swear I heard a crack "your the reason my TV is broken?" He flinched a bit and then I heard tiny pops coming from his hands and when I looked, there were little sparks coming from his palms.

  'Well isn't that wonderful I now have a guy with anger ishuses that can now FUCKN EXPLODE' Then thats when I realized "I thought you didn't have your quirk when you were first here." He looked at me "Yeah, but when it appeared it was like I was just learning about it again." "When we first got are quirks they were hard to handle unlike before when we could handle them." Kirishima pitched in. I sigh and look outside, it was snowing as the wind was twisting the snow around as it was falling. There was a sudden flash and then a boy with green hair fell from the sky "Holy Shit!" I yell out, I grab my coat and run downstairs to see if he was ok. I mean this isn't the weirdest thing I've seen, or been a part of. As I went through the door I saw the green haired boy just laying there. 'Well shit hope he didn't die.' I walk up to him and kneel down to see him clearly. He had a somewhat looking hero suit on, freckles, and looked a little pale. Honestly He looked like he came from wherever Bakugou and Kirishima came from.

  I attempted to pick him up 'Hey! His lighter than Bakugou and Kirishima!'  I smile 'Thank fucking god.' I carry him into the building and knock on the door with my elbow "Hey guys let me in please!"  I hear another explosion "CAN YOU STOP BLOWING UP MY DAMN APARTMENT?!?" I hear someone get up, then I see Bakugou open the door, I hold up the green haired boy and smile "Is he from wherever you came from?"

(764 Words)

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