Chapter 34- Itz Pride month!

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Kirishima walked into my room with a slightly embarrassed face, I walked over a little concerned towards Kirishima. "Is something wrong Kiri?" He shook his head and then smiled, "Oh it's nothing uh, big it's just.." He looked behind his shoulder and then back. Kirishima took a breath as he turned pink, I laughed and put my hand on his cheek "Kirishima, are you ok?" He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck as he smiled "Y-yeah I just wanted to ask you-" I then heard a bang from behind him "OH MY GOd Kirishima! It's not that hard to ask them!" I heard Katsuki yell as he moved Kirishima out of the way. "Shitty hair and I wanted to go to a pride parade with you" He then glared at Kirishima "and I made the mistake of letting this idot ask you" Kirishima gasped and then pouted, "Bakugou, that wasn't nice!" Katsuki then groaned "Yeah Katsuki, that wasn't nice" I teased. Katsuki pinched the bridge of his nose and then shook his head, he looked back up when I started to laugh. "Well.." Katsuki crossed his arms "can we go to a pride parade together?" I wiped a tear from my eye and then nodded, "Of course! I would love to go to a parade with you." I paused and thought for a second "Though, I wanna get something from the store beforehand." Katsuki raised his eyebrow and I just smiled "come on, let go to the store," I grabbed my kye's off of my bedside table and then walked past Katsuki and Kirishima. I unlock the front door then hear Kaminari, "Hey, where are you headed?" I turned around and smiled, "Kiri, Kat and I are going out for a bit." Katsuki opens the door and walks out, I follow and wave goodbye. As we walked into the store I looked around looking for where the pride stuff might be I walked away from Kirishima and Katsuki leaving them alone to find what I was looking for

*Bakugou's POV*

Y/n walked away as we entered the store leaving me and Kirishima at the front of the store, "What was the point of bringing us along if they're just going to leave us behind." I looked back over at Kirishima who was on his phone. I looked at his screen bumping his shoulder. Kirishima looks over, raising his shoulders a bit "What are you looking at?" I say as I continue to stare at his screen, "oh, uh I'm just looking for parades, there's one today that we could go to." I hummed and then leaned away. Kirishima looked around "huh, I wonder what y/n is looking for" he said turning off his phone and putting it in his pocket. "Yeah, they kinda just disappeared.." I sigh and shake my head "Whatever, as long as they dont take too long." I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. Kirishima joined me standing right beside me, "Hey Bakugou, what do you think y/n's getting?" I shook my head and readjusted myself "How the hell am I supposed to know."

After a few minutes I hear someone walk up to me and then touch the tip of my nose "Boop" I scrunch my nose as I open my eyes to see y/n "What the hell?" I say as I stand up off of the wall, y/n raised an eyebrow and smiled "What? Has no one ever booped you?" I scoffed and shook my head. "I don't know if you know this, but people don't see me as an "Approachable Person" so no, not really y/n." y/n tilted their head and smiled a bit more "Well, looks like I'll have to boop you more often than" I clicked my tongue and looked at them in the eyes "I'll kill you" y/n then gave me a smirk and closed her eyes "Nah, you love me too much to." I look away as my face starts to get warm, Kirishima looks down at y/n's hand that had a bag in them "So y/n, what did you buy?" y/n smiles and then holds up the bag so kirishima could see what was inside it "you got pride flags?!" y/n lowers the bag and nods.

*(Y/N)s POV*

I lower the shopping bag and nod, "We can head home, and then go to the parade that's not that far from my apartment complex." Kirishima and Katsuki agree as we walk out of the store to walk back home. I take the pride flags out of the bag and then hand them to Kirishima, "Here hold these, I'ma grab something real quick and then we can get going." I say as I open the side door, and run up the stairs. I unlock the door, throwing the bag on the floor. Then making my way to the kitchen to grab three water bottles, then rushing out the front door again. "Bye, Kaminari, Izuku we'll be back later!" I close the door behind me and almost trip down the stairs rushing down them and out the door, "Alrighty, let's get going!" Kirishima smiles and Katsuki grabs one of the flags from Kirishima "Let's go celebrate pride" Katsuki says as he starts walking.

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