Chapter 3- SHH!

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*Bakugou's POV*

Is she serious right now? SHE REALLY DOESN'T KNOW WHAT A FUCKING QUIRK IS?!?! She kept staring at Kirishima in confusion, her (E/C) eyes had a spark in them. "Are you sure you're not the one who bumped your head on the side of the road?" I questioned, she scooted back a little from her seat, almost falling and stopping swiftly.

*(Y/N)s POV*

Damn he's really trying with this quirk thing, I go to get off my chair until I hear something coming from outside my apartment door, almost falling I catch myself and stop to listen "What the Hell are you-" The loud Ash blond hair boy started, but I just shush him while I try to listen to the sounds coming from my door, him being upset that I silenced him, while the boy with crimson hair chuckled at his anger. The noises coming from the door sounded quite like a person bumping up against the door, you get up from your chair finally and the blonde and redhead watch you walk up to the door.

I hesitate to open door scared to see who was behind the door, I slightly open the door to reveal your two dads up against the door trying to hear what was going on as they saw me open the door they were about to say something as you quickly shut the door and turn around terrified, with the two boys as confused why you looked so terrified, "What's-" before the poor redhead could finish his sentence I took both of them by the wrists and drag them to my room. When I saw that they were clearly confused I looked at them and tried to explain as fast as I could, "Ok! Ok! So the main reason I dragged you to my room is because my FUCKING PARENTS ARE HERE, AND IF THEY SEE YOU, YOUR DEAD!" The blonde one looked at me like just challenged him ¨YOU THINK THEY CAN KILL THE-" he started as I hit the back of his head and turned around, ¨Just shut the fuck up and DON'T leave the room until I tell you it's safe!¨ You turn around and run to the door to let your dad's in.

*(Y/Ns) Parents POV*

We were going over to (Y/N)s place to check up on them to make sure they were doing fine just as we were about to knock on the door of their apartment door when we heard them talking with someone, we leaned against the door to see if was something that we should interfere with or not. Then we heard silence, me and my husband were getting antsy and then the door opened a little as we flopped down. I was about to greet them while we were on the floor, but then (Y/N) slammed the door shut, that made us stand up and we heard running then silence.

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Met You In My World [KiriBaku x Reader] (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora