Chapter 41- What I saw

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 I woke up to Kaminari slightly shaking me awake, I turned around a bit with my eyes half open, I let out a groan and turned back around "Kamununun, Denki I'm trying to sleep, what's so important that you have to wake me up?" He shook me once more and then huffed "Y/n get up-" I shook my head and then pulled my blanket over my head. He sat there for a few more minutes and then shook the bed, "Bakugou is about to blow some stuff u-" I sat up then got up out of bed and walked out the room walking into the living room "What, whatith do you want?" Kirishima smiled at me while Katsuki was just staring off into space with a weird expression on his face with his head resting on his hands. "I feel like someone died, mind telling me what's up before I think that's what actually happened?" Katsuki glanced at me and then put his hands down. Kirishima looked over at Katsuki and then back at me with a smaller smile, I held my breath and then pulled out a chair from the dining room and sat on it backwards "What's up Eiji?" Kirishima took a breath, "Well, you remember when we were first here? And we told you about our world.." I thought for a second and smiled, "Yeah, how could I forget? It was an important day." Kirishima raised his shoulders "you remember when we told you about how there were heroes and, Villains?" I scoffed a bit and then leaned back a bit, "yep, and quirks, how you were sent by a villain," Kirishima lowered his shoulders and sighed.

 Katsuki finally looked at me and nodded, "Well, yesterday when I went to the café-" my attention was immediately pulled by the word 'yesterday' I leaned forward in the seat looking towards him "yesterday? What do you mean yesterday?" Katsuki looked at me a bit annoyed and then continued "yesterday at the café right before you came out to bring me home, I saw a villain from our world.." my eyes widened as I sat there in shock, "What do you mean you saw a Villain there.." Katsuki continued to his space staring looking away from me. I looked at Kirishima and asked him "witch, uh who was the villain?" Kirishima looked at Katsuki and then back at me "His name is Shigaraki, he's the leader of 'The league of Villains' I don't exactly know what his quirk is, but I'm pretty sure Bakugou, and Midoriya have a pretty good idea of what it is." He looks over to Izuku as I also look over at him. Izuku looked at me with a soft smile and then sighed "Well, when he touches anything with all five of his fingers it disintegrates his quirk is always active so.." I ran my hand through my hair and felt another headache start to arise, I thought for another moment and the realized something, "Wait, what does Shigaraki look like?" I got a confused look from Izuku and Kaminari. Izuku looked at the other guys and then back at me, "Well he has teal hair that comes down to his shoulders" Kirishima continued "He has rough skin that he scratches at a lot, and has a high rasped voice." Kaminari interrupted with, "Oh! And he has a bunch of hands on him most of the time." I sat back and thought.

'That's definitely not the guy from that night so, who was he? Was he another villain, I mean his skin was pretty fucked up with all the burn marks..' Kirishima tapped my shoulder and I looked up to see him right in front of me. "Hey Hun, it looks like you're thinking about something that's bothering you, what's up?" I felt myself smile by the sight of him being so close and just his soft demeanor. I looked down a bit and started to play with my hair, "Oh, well.. A few nights ago I saw someone in the apartment. I thought maybe that the villain that you were talking about was him but.." Kirishima looked at me concerned as I looked away, trailing off on my words, "What did they look like, the person? And where did they go, did anything.." I raised my shoulders a bit, picking up my head, "oh, um no nothing bad happened or anything, but he had jet black hair, light blue eyes, oh and his skin.. It was kind of burnt? Around the neck, half of his face.." I said as I gestured where the burns were, Kirishima went quiet and Katsuki looked at me and clenched his fists, "D-Dabi?" I heard Izuku utter out. I looked at him and then back at Kirishima, "I was right wasn't I, he's one of those villains?" no one said a word, I looked down and played with my thumbs. "How'd the hell he get in, and most importantly where is he now?" I heard Katsuki say as he stood up, I looked away and continued playing with my thumbs. "Oi, I asked you a question y/n" I looked at him as I felt tears forming in my eyes, "I, uhm" I looked down as my voice started to crack, "I don't know, he kinda just disappeared in a purple flash.." I stopped playing with my thumbs and wiped the tears away before they could fall. I looked back up at Katsuki to see him worried, "Did you mean purple smoke?" I heard Izuku ask, I shook my head and then looked over into the hallway, "No, it was a flash, I saw a few white flashes coming from the kitchen before as well, but he was the only person I saw." I could see from the corner of my eye that Kirishima started to get an uncomfortable look, "Are you ok?" I say as I turn my head to look at him fully, "I'm fine I just feel a bit worried because you could have gotten hurt and no one would have known.."

 I smiled a bit and placed my hand on top of his head, "Kirishima, you don't have to worry, I'm fine and I didn't get hurt.." Kirishima grabbed my hand and pulled it down holding it gently, "Why didn't you tell anyone? That you saw a villain?" I shrugged my shoulders and looked down, "I just didn't want to worry you guys I guess." Katsuki walked up to me and Kirishima and shook his head "Well you did a great job of doing that huh." Kirishima looked at Katsuki and frowned "common Bakugou, don't be so mean, you weren't even planning on telling them for the same exact reason!" Katsuki was a little taken aback and then looked at me "I'm sorry.."

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